Chapter 9- Pay back

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Chapter 9- pay back

I darted into the bathroom, locking the stall door behind myself. I couldn't stop looking at my phone, regretting everything I did. I felt myself crying harder, and harder.
Just then Niall started calling my name,

"Fran, Fran, baby... Are you ok love?" Niall asked me, knocking on the women's door.

"Niall, I'm sorry! Because of me this is all over the internet! I'm sorry!" I begged for forgiveness.

"No! It's not your fault. it's ok for us to do this! Louis and Harry are the ones to blame for this, not you!" He said as he tried to comfort me from beyond the door.

"But Niall just look at this! Our phones are being blown up from this photo!" I said as I opened the door.

"It's ok love... I love you, and one idiotic post is not going to put a barricade between us!" Niall said as he reported the tweets and Instagram notifications.


Did you really sleep with that slut that cheated on Louis with Harry, and dumped Harry for you?! How low...

@fran821 {not a real account}
*cough* *cough* SLUT *cough* *cough*

All over, was post of niall and myself in bed together with a caption under it that read,

From: @harry_styles
Geze... Slut much? Considering that you slept with louis, came back to me... Slept with me, and wow, now your with Niall and your sleeping with him! You dirty whore!

Niall whipped my eyes and pushed my hair behind my ear.
"Calm down alright, I love you and this won't change how I feel about you, ok?"
He smiled at me and kissed my cheek.

"O-ok Niall..." I stuttered insecurely.

"Now, you wanna get some Starbucks? My treat!" He smiled and held his hand out, waiting for me to grab it.

"...alright!" I grabbed his hand.

We were waiting on line and I happened to glance and see louis, harry, Liam, and zayn all together outside of a store. God Harry looked so hot! Wait, what am I saying?! He just humiliated Niall and I! Stop, just no!
I'm not going to mess this relationship up with Niall, not this time!

Niall came back with a frap for me and on the cup it said: "to my one and only love~ Niall Horan" with a little heart at the end.
I looked at it and smiled, Niall blushed. I kissed him as he got redder.

"That's so sweet Niall! I love you so much!"

"Anything for you love." he kissed me again.

We walked out of Starbucks and tried not to make eye contact with Harry, or louis.

"Fran! Ni! Come 'ear!" Harry shouted.
we stopped short and slowly walked to them.

"Hey there SLUT." Harry harshly hit my back.

"What do you want Harry-?" I felt myself shaking.

"Louis and I wanted to chat with you... Alone tonight at my place." he paced around me.

"Yeah love, just a chat is all." Louis smirked at Harry.

"Me... Alone...? Can't Niall co-"

"Nope! Just you..." Louis said in a raspy voice.

"Uhh, well... Niall and I were going to spend time together tonight..."

"We'll be waiting for you, if you don't show up, we'll make your life a living hell. got it!" Harry spat.

"I got it!... I got it..." I shivered.
Louis and Harry chuckled and walked away with Liam and zayn.

"Niall?" A single tear fell from my face.
Niall pressed my head against his chest. He rocked me in his arms back and forth for a while.

"Come love, let's go home." Niall kissed me on the lips.

This will be updated soon!
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