Chapter 3-sweet kisses

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"I was hoping that we could take a private boat ride... With Niall" Louis said as he got annoyed that Niall would be joining us.

"Oh... Yeah!..." I said trying to act excited.

"Fran... Do you want to go?" Louis asked questioning his judgement.

I'm very scared of the ocean, and water in general. When I was younger I never learned how to swim, so I'm not one to go on a boat. I'm 17 and I've never been on a boat before! But it's embarrassing to tell someone that you can't swim and your afraid of water.

"No! I do..." I protested.

"No, I can tell that you don't." He said as he ran his hand down my cheek.

"Tell me, what's going on." He asked softly.

"I-I-I can't swim and... I've never been on... A boat before. Louis I'm scared." I said as I placed my head into his shoulder.

"Is that it? Don't worry I'll keep you safe!" Louis said as he gave me a hug.

*all three of us hopped into Niall's car, Niall driving and louis and I in the back. I slipped my seatbelt on cautiously thinking about the boat.
Louis slowly strung our hands together. His warm, soft touch made me melt. I've never felt this way since Harry, which is now one that I rue I ever knew. I leaned my head against his chest.
I feel asleep for only a moment... Leaving a small stream of drool on Louis's shirt,
I tried to wipe it off him whitout him noticing... That didn't work.*

"Hey sleepy head!" Louis said as he brushed my hair from my face.

"I'm sorry Louis!" I said as I whipped my sleeve across his t-shirt whipping away the drool.

"Don't sweat it love! It's kinda cute." He said as he rubbed the side of my cheek.
I blushed a light pink, trying to hide how I felt.
Louis slowly in to give me a small kiss-

"Alright! Were here!" Niall shouted trying to interrupt the moment with a screeching halt of a stop.

We hopped out of Niall's car, while slowly creeping to Louis's boat. It was massive...
There was like more than three floors, It was like walking into a house. Certainly not what I'd imagine a boat to be. There was a level for a pool, a hot tub, and a bar on the top floor. The level below that had much of the same, but it was inside, not out. There was plenty more which consisted of a diner, and six bedrooms. This is only covering a few topics that really struck my interest.
Louis invited me to go in the hot tub with him and Niall. I tried to explain that I didn't bring a bathing suit and these were my only set of clothes. But a surprise, Louis had bought me a bathing suit. It was a light orange, with white poke dots. It was a perfect fit.
Louis told me to go get changed in Louis's bedroom. I slipped on the orange poke doted bikini and made my way out the indoor hot tub. Niall was fixing us some drinks when he saw me come out. I'm am very insecure about my body, no matter what I do, I feel like I am cubby/fat, even thought I'm not so I'm always holding my arms in front of my stomach.
As I walked out Niall made a loud whistle

(that way that guys do it when they see a hot girl)

I gave a small giggle and slight smile.

"Niall! Back off she's mine!" Louis said jokingly.

"Alright... Ok... Fran, you look hot!" Niall shouted, and ran into his room, locking his bedroom door behind him as Louis stormed behind him with fake rage.

"Well, it's just you and I..." Louis trailed off as he held my hand, leading me to the hot tub.
He placed me on his lap holding me tightly to himself. His warm touch was so comforting. He kissed my cheek and slowly went down my neck with soft kisses.

"Louis... I don't want this night to ever end!" I said loudly.

*dropping Fran off*

"Bye Franny!" Niall said as he gave me a long passionate hug.

"Niall... It's been long enough." Louis said impatiently.
Niall gave me a kiss close to my lips but not quite.
"Ok, wait in the car now Niall!" Louis said pushing him away from me.

"Fine... Night Fran..." Niall said, trying to bother Louis.
Louis held my hand with a smile brighter than the night stars.
"I really had a nice night!" Louis exclaimed with excitement.

"Me too... I feel like we have a real connection with each other." I said, falling deeply into his eyes.

"Y-yeah me too!" He said with a stutter and a smile plastered to his face.

He leaned in for a everlasting kiss.

"Well... Thanks for this wonderful evening, we should do it again over the weekend again." I said while receiving another kiss.

"Course love... Till then." He gave me a kiss behind my ear.

I went inside... Thinking about Louis as I got ready for bed.

"*Sighs* louis..."


Is louis turning into the old Harry?!
Sorry it's been a long time since my update, but I'm just so busy.

Hope you all enjoyed this one!

Don't forget to vote, and thanks for reading! xx :)

Im in love with my bully- Harry StylesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt