Chaptrer 12- deeper

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"-I don't want to move back in with any of you! You disapproved of Louis and I, obviously you'll do the same with Niall. I'm in love with Niall and if you all can't except that, then leave me... Because I'm done with not living my life the way I want."

"Oh Franny!" Niall ran to give me a comforting hug and kiss.

"Franny..." Harry walked up to me,
"I'm sorry love, I didn't want this to happen. I guess that I just wanted to... Teach you a lesson..." Harry said as he pecked me on the cheek with watery, red eyes.

"Were very sorry for hurting you... And were the ones to blame for this, could you ever forgive us?" Louis asked and he softly kissed my cheek.

"You guys aren't the cause... Please, everyone just leave Niall and I alone for one moment."

"Ok... Ok..." They all whipped their eyes and slowly made their way out.

"Is everything ok Franny?" Niall asked.

"No... Niall everything is horrible!" I started crying in my knees.

"Calm down, calm down! Tell me... What's going on love?" He sat in a chair besides me.

"Niall, I don't even know anymore! Everyday I weak up, I just feel like dying! It's not normal..."

"You can overcome this love, I know you ca-"

"NO! Not anymore... I'm a coward Niall... I try to run from problems and they all just come back to haunt me. I'm just done."

"Your not a coward! please Franny, stay strong... I know you can do this."

"See... You just don't get it... No one ever will."

"Get what?" He asked confused.

"THAT I WANT TO DIE! Hear me!? D-I-E!" I snapped at him.

"WHY?! Can you give me three good reasons?"

"Well... I-... Its-... Umm..." I couldn't think

"See! Not even one reason. Look, you have louis and Harry here apologizing to you and they might even be getting a little too close to you... But they care because they love you, just like everyone else who came to see you today. People that love you Franny... Look past the bad that's happen to you and start fresh... I'll help you, but you need to do your part too." Niall explained as he held my hands.

"I-I-I... I don't think I can Niall... I really don't think I can."

"STOP! You can! If I didn't know it was true, I would say it. if you loved me... You would at least try."

"FINE, just... Fine!"

"There's my fighter." Niall kissed me with a worm kiss.

"Do you want me to stay here with you tonight?"

"Would you?" I asked him with a pout.

"Course love!" He smiled

"I'll go grab us some dinner, I'll be back soon. ok?"

"Just hurry back baby, I already miss you!"
I said as Niall blew me a kiss.

Im in love with my bully- Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now