Chapter 16- lost

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*beep beep beep*

The rings from my alarm clock bounced around my head.
"WHAT!?" My eyes bugged out if my head.
"10:38!? How much did I sleep!?"
I jumped out of bed in a hurry.
"shit! I still need to call harry!" I shouted as I lunged to my phone.
"Oh pick up... Please pick up!"
"Franny! Franny where are you? are you ok?!" Harry said worried.
"Yes Harry I'm fine, I just spent a night at a motel is all. maybe you'd like to meet up for some coffee and a light breakfast?"
"Ok great and please tell me why you ran out on me later ok?" Harry said.
"Ok, see you soon baby!" I said happily.
"Love you baby."
I gathered my things and headed off, since I had a long way to go with no car...
Maybe I should've asked Harry to pick me up I thought to myself
Or, Harry could just meet me at the coffee shop that was right near the motel. Much more if a convenience for me.
I texted Harry to just meet me at "perfect morning" which was the name of the coffee shop.
"Oh, hey kalvin!" I said as I walked in.
"Hey! come in for some coffee?" he chuckled.
"Well yeah, I'm just waiting for someone before I order." I said awkwardly.
"Not a problem! you can ring the bell when you need the service." he winked.
I sat down in the same booth as last time and waited for Harry.
You know that feeling that you get when you go on that first date? those twisted knots in your tummy, that are impossible to get rid of until the day is done? well, I had the first date jitters.
It wasn't like it was my first date with Harry, I just really want Harry to forgive me. I know I was stupid and ignorant... but sometimes, my emotions just take over.
At one point, about a year ago, I was diagnosed with depression. it wasn't bad, but the doctor had prescribed me medication to make sure it wouldn't worsen. I call them my "smiley pills" because there yellow, and when I'm sad, they automatically make he a tad happier.
And just then, Harry walked in.
"Harry! I said happily as I ran towards him and gave him a hug.
"Ok so are you ready to... To- umm, who's this?" he acted disgusted and angered by Harry.
"Oh, um, Harry, this is kalvin, kalvin, this is my boyfriend... Harry."
"Your boyfriend?" kalvin asked.
"Yeah... is that a problem?"
"Pleasure to meet you kalvin!" Harry leaned over to give him a warm welcome. kalvin didn't return the same generosity.

Harry pulled me over to a table and held by hands in his,
"Fran, can you come to my place tonight... please!? I really need you for "something" tonight." he winked at me.
"Well, I had plans with kalvin... but I'll try to get of it I guess?"
"Please! I need you!" He leaned over the table and kissed me with his soft lips. he wanted more-
"Ah ha, harry... not here..." I playfully pushed him off.
"Ugh! You tease!" He kissed me again.

"Can you two maybe take a breather to order maybe?!" Kalvin snapped.
"Sorry kalvin!" I said obediently.
"No, he's just jealous that your stuck with me..."he kissed me and snickered at kalvin.
"No I'm not! I don't like her we just met last night! who's even to say she's "pretty"? I have nothing to be jealous of I assure you!" Kalvin looked at me and than ran to the back of the shop.
"Harry, let's go." me eyes filled with tears.
Harry cradled my hand and whispered sweet nothings to me.

He so cute the way he treats me. He makes me feel like the only one that matters, and were so close that we can share anything to each other and nothing would change between us. it's amazjng where love can take you. the way he touches me makes me scared, but secured and happy. his kiss makes me nervous, but somehow... relaxed. And when we're together, we share this amazing connection that's unexplainable!

After we got to his place, he pulled me into his bed with his arms and legs around me.
"Your so beautiful..." he said as he tucked my hair behind my ear.
"Shut up" I kissed him.
He slowly undid my belt and pulled down my jeans.
"Are we going all night?..." he whispered in my ear.
"What else!" I said as he unclipped my bra.
He held me tightly to his body and the night went on, deeper and deeper and deeper.
"Harry... harry... uh! Harry." the names battled through the night back and forth.
The way out bodies touched was astounding. the feel of not a single thread was startling, but yet breathtaking.
Harry was my drug. But if not used right, it could destroy me... Tricky?

Im in love with my bully- Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now