The French Mistake Part 1 (7)

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I woke up with sticky and sweaty feeling. A smile crossed my face as I thought about last night. Sitting I was frightened by the dark man that stood at the foot of the bed.

I screamed and pushed myself to the head frame of the bed. "Who are you?" I frantically asked. "What are you doing here!?"

"My name is Virgil. I'm an angel." The man or angle came closer. "You're with the Winchesters, aren't you and have helped Castiel many times."

"I know them and Cas is a friend."

He put his hand up. "Orders from Virgil, I must kill you for sleeping with an angel and for helping the Winchesters and Castiel."

Suddenly Balthazar flashed in. He stood between me and the other angel.

"Storm is part of any of this. Leave her be Virgil." Balthazar coldly ordered.

"You know I can't do that brother." The other angel replied.

"You can and you will."

Balthazar reached down and grabbed my hand. He popped us away. We were suddenly standing in Bobby's house. Sam was standing, talking to dean who was sitting down.

"Dean!" I shouted, running to him and hugging him tightly.

Deans grip was tight. "Storm." He whispered.

"Hello, boys," Balthazar said, rushing over to my side. "Seen The Godfather, right?" He asked them.

"Balthazar?" I confusedly said.

"When Micheal Corleone sends his men to kill his enemies in one bloody swoop," Balthazar said, placing a bowl on the table. He picks up a box and starts pouring stiff into the bowl.

Dean tried getting Balthazar's attention by saying hey, but Balthie didn't care.

"Then Moe Greene gets hit in the eye. Don Cuneo gets it in the revolving door."

Dean looked angry. "I said hey."

Balthazar looked at Dean

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Balthazar looked at Dean. "You did. Twice. Good for you." He reaches over and pats Deans arm.

Dean looked down at his arm as if a person with a horrible disease touched him.

"Balthie? What are you doing...?" I asked, stepping away from Dean.

"Balthie?" Dean mocked.

Balthazar looked down at me. "Looking for blood of a lamb."

"There should be some in the fridge," I told him.

He popped over there and popped back.

"Why are you talking about the Godfather?" Sam asked.

"We're in it now. Right now. Tonight. And in the role of Michael Corleone: the archangel Raphael." Balthazar roughly replied.

Dean had a dumbstruck look on his face. "Mind telling us what you mean?"

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