Something about a tag

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This tag is about answering Marvel questions. I was tagged by Ellimination_Rogers
I will be answering the same questions she answered and the people I tag will do the same if they want to. I don't care if you don't... but I love Marvel, so I'm going to.

1. Steve or Bucky?

I gotta go with Bucky. Only when he's the Winter Soldier. He's so hot and strong and evil like!!! It's just so YUMMY when he catches Captain America's shield! Oh God!!! 😆😆

2. Romanogers or Black Hulk?

Well, neither. I'm not a big fan of Black Widow. And Bruce and Steve deserves better...

3. Would you rather spend a day in Midgard or Åsgård?

Definitely ÅSGÅRD! Especially, when Thor The Dark World ended with Loki sitting on the throne!!! I'd run to Loki and tell him how much I want his body!!! 😊😊

4. Steve before he was Cap or after?

He was a cutie before he was Cap, but he's suppppper SEXY after too. So.... I guess after. I'd love to see him protect me from a bad guy..😍😂

5. Steve ask you out in a date, and you say yes. You really like Steve and you two are really close friends. But an hour after Steve asked you out, Bucky asks you out. And you have a major thing for Bucky. What ok Åsgård do you do?

Well.... I'd tell Steve the true. That I Bucky more and just go on the date with Bucky. If things don't work out then I'd go for Steve again.

6. You have always had a crush on Steve and you and him have been friends since you were little kids. Even though he was Captain America, you two still were close. One day Steve asks you for advice on how to ask out Peggy. Your heart breaks, what do you do?

I'm the jealous type. I'd try to mess the thing up somehow. Tell him something she'd hate or tell him that I really like him.

7. If you could have one super power, what would it be?

Well, apparently I'm already strong for a girl, so that's out. I'd like the ability to shapeshift. Like a shapeshifter on Supernatural, but without the skin shedding...

8. Dancing with Steve or adventurous date with Bucky?

BUCKY ALL THE WAY!!! I'd put myself in a dangerous situation to see what he'd do. Maybe end up in his bed. (Cough, cough) 😆

Okay, well, I guess this is the end. I'll list off people go answer the same questions. If you don't want to or don't watch Marvel. Then.... you're a horrible person! JK!! You don't have to do nothing if you don't want to. Everything is choice.











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