My Heart Will Go On (9)

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"No! No! No!" I yelled, throwing my empty glass at the TV. "There was enough room on the stupid piece of trash! And the song is so annoying!"

Balthie stopped the glass before it hit the TV. "Hey, calm down, Stormie. It's a movie." Balthazar calmly said.

I jumped on the couch and crawled on top him. "What if this movie never happened? What if the Titanic didn't go down and everyone survived?"

Balthazar scoffed. "That would create total and utter madness."

I plopped backward and crossed my arms over my chest.

"And I love it," Balthie replied.

I squealed with happiness.

●Deans' POV.●

"Does the name Titanic ring a bell?" I questioned Sam after hanging up my phone from a talk with Ellen.

Sam looked up from his computer. "Titanic?" He looks around to think. "No." Sam goes back to his laptop to look it up. "The RMS Titanic was the largest passenger steamship in the world when it made its maiden voyage across the North Atlantic in 1912."

"So what's the big deal? It's a ship, it sailed."

"Yeah, I don't know. Looks like there was a close call. Ship almost hit an iceberg." Sammy read.

"Almost? So?"

Sam clicked some more buttons. "So... looks like the first mate and his wife spotted it just in time."

"Good for the happy couple. Anything else?" I questioned.

"Wait a second. This first mate and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. I. P. Freeley."

I set my pen down and got up/off the bed. "Well, that's not suspicious. You got a picture of the old Freeley couple?"

"You gotta be kidding me." Sam slid the laptop my direction.

He had pulled a picture up of the Freeley couple. "Is that.... Balthazar and Storm...?"

Sam nodded.

"And she's ah.... sitting on his lap..."

"Yeah," Sam replied.

●Storm's POV.●

"The boys are summoning me." Balthazar groaned.

"Oh! Can I come with? Can I go first and act all tough and weird? You know, to freak them out of something."

Balthazar sighed. "Alright."

I kissed his cheek and stood back. Balthie snapped his fingers and I was gone.

"Sam! Dean! Hello!" I shouted in an excited voice. "What can I do for you?"

"We need to talk to you and Balthazar." Dean roughly ordered.

"Well, he's not here at the moment, but I'd be happy to answer your questions."

Balthazar flew in behind me. "You seem upset, Dean."

"The Hell with the boat, you two? We let you take our Storm and you guys start to cause trouble..." Dean angrily and confusedly asked.

"What boat?" I sassed at him.

"The Titanic," Sam said.

"Oh, yeah. The Titanic." Balthazar stated. "Yes, well, uh, it was meant to sink and we saved it."

Sam and Dean looked at each other.

I stepped closer to them. "You see, it was meant to bash into this iceberg thing and plug into of the briny deep with all this hoopla and we saved it. Anything other questions?"

"Why?" Sam confusedly breathed.

"Why what?" Balthazar annoyingly groaned.

Dean looked down at me. "Why did you two unsink the ship?"

I giggled. "We both hated the movie."

Sam gave me a stern look. "Wait, so you guys saved a cruise liner because.."

Balthazar cut him off. "Because that god-awful Celine Dion song made me wanna smite myself."

"I'm with him." I point up to Bathie.

"I didn't think that was possible. I thought you couldn't change history." Sam looked at me. "And what up you? Changing and doing things that you shouldn't do."

"Dude, saving the ship, saved a lot of lives. And besides... you can't tell me what to do. I'm not a kid." I replied, going back to Balthie's side.

"Yeah, but now those people and their kids and their kids' kids... They must have interacted with so many other people changed so much crap. You totally butterfly Effect-ed history." Sam scolded us, crossing his arms over his chest in the middle.

I turned my head at an angle. "Dude, Rule one: No Kutcher references."

"I agree with Storm in that." Dean popped in.

"Ah, yes, unfortunately, there's still an Ashton Kutcher. And you still averted the apocalypse, and there are still archangels. It's just the small details that are different. Like you don't drive an Impala." Balthazar explained.

I stepped away from him. "My baby is gone!" I freaked. I loved that car and it's gone...

Sam and Dean looked at us like we were crazy.

"That's not important," Balthazar told me and went back to talking to the boys. "And, of course, Ellen and Jo are alive."

Not a big fan of Jo. She had Dean wrapped around her finger. She didn't like me very much....

Dean and Sam were confused at what Balthie said.

"Oh, yeah.... They dead, but all because we saved the boat, one thing leads to another which leads to another thousand things, yadda, yadda, yadda. Long story short, they don't die in a massive explosion." I explained as Balthie went to the hotel rooms kitchen and made a drink.

A hand snaked it's way to my shoulder. "Anyway, let's agree that we did a good thing. One less Billy Zabe movie and we saved two of your closest friends."

"But now somebody is killing the descendants of the survivors." Sam calmly said.

"And?" Balthazar heartlessly replied.

"And that's maybe, like, 50,000 people." Sam calmly said, again.

I patted Balthie's chest. "They need to save as many as possible. It's what they do, Balthie."

"Sorry, I think you have me confused with the other angel. You know, the one in the dirty trench coat who's in love with Dean..." Balthazar informed. "I don't care."

He pulled me very close to him. I wrapped my legs around him and jump into his arms.

"Goodbye, boys." He said before flying us away.


My legs felt like jello when we landed. I fell stumbled a few times before I stood steady.

"Maybe they're right." I softly muttered. "People are dying bloody because of us. Someone is killing them in a horrible way. We should do something. Maybe we should go back and sink the boat. Balthie, I don't want to be the reason why so many people are being killed." A lonely tear crawled out of my eye.

"Don't worry about, babe." Balthazar stopped and turned to look at me. "I'll be right back." He pulled me in and kissed me deeply, then he was gone.

"Man! I hate when he does that! He's gone in a blink of an eye."


When Balthazar returned, a disappointed look covered his face.

"What?" I questioned as I jumped into his arms.

"We have to sink the Titanic," Balthazar replies.

I kissed Balthie's neck up to his lips. "That means we can have Titanic sex." I winked.

Balthazar chuckled. "You got that right."

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