Tampons (32)

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Dean's POV.●

Everything was going great, I had my own room which is awesome. 

I was walking from my room to the table to talk to Sam. On my way I passed Storm's bedroom. Normally, I don't pay attention to what's going on in there, but when I heard crying, I had to see what was up. Giving a knock at the door which was open, I leaned and saw her sitting on her bed, crying.

"Hey, Storm? You okay?" I questioned with a sincere tone in my voice.

"I saw this picture of a cat and it looked so cute!!" She cried. "I just want to go get this poor cat and cuddle it. Can we get a cat, Dean?"

"Uh, Storm, I'm not sure if you can get a cat..." I was about to explain why, but Storm cut me off with such anger.

"Leave me alone and stop yelling at me!" Storm screamed at me, running out of her room.

I stood there for a second completely confused at what just happened. For all the years I've known Storm, I didn't think she was able to cry. I could smell the sweet and salty aroma in the air. So I went to the kitchen, there I saw Sam cooking bacon and Storm sitting at the table eating bacon. She looked fine now. 

"Um," I started, scared that j would say something wrong and make Storm upset. "Storm, are you okay, now?"

Storm looked at me with a glow of happiness and a mouth full of bacon. "I'm great, why?"

Giving this, I became really confused. "Well, just a few seconds ago you ran out of your room, crying at the matter. Just wanted to make sure everything was fine," I asked, sitting next to her.

Storms sweet smile turned into a crude scowl. "Are you saying I can't take care of myself? Is it because I'm a girl, so I automatically can't do anything? So I'm forced to cooking and cleaning and birthing children!?" She stood up in such an angry way. "Well, news flash! I can do anything you can, Dean!" Storm yelled, throwing a strip of bacon at me. Then she turned and grabbed the plate of bacon, storming out of the kitchen.

I looked over at Sam, who was trying to hide his smile.

"What the hell did I say?" I questioned him with a dumbfounded look.

Sam chuckled. "You did nothing, Storm is just emotional because it's her time of the mouth."

That made sense, but yet it didn't. "But why is she attacking me, man? Why isn't she yelling at you, Sam?"

Sam shrugged with a grin still on his face. "Learn how to deal with it now or forever be on her kill list." 

"Dude, she asked for a cat. I'm allergic to cats. Sure I prefer cats over dogs, but not happening." I then I took a fresh piece of bacon, determined to find a way to get on Storm's good side. 

Storm's POV.●

I was sitting at the table with Sam, looking on my computer for a case, but that was turning out to be a bust. 

"Hey, Sam? Have you found anything?" I questioned, grabbing my cup of tea. 

Sam shook his. "Nothing so far," he sighed, running his fingers through his long luxurious hair. 

Something about Sam made me gears turn, but only for a second. I shook my head to snap out of it. Actually thinking about made me cringe. I looked over at Sam. Sure he was kinda cute and strong, but he's a little too tall. Meh, I'd be okay if Sam and I hooked up. Hey, but that's never happening. Same goes for Dean. Oh, that Dean! For some reason, he was making me so mad today. 

"Hey, I'm going to the store if anyone wants anything?" Dean called, walking for the hall, putting his coat on. 

"Oh yeah, I need a box of tampons," I called, looking over at him. 

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