Citizen Fang (26)

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Roy was sweet and when we got to talking it felt right. I decided to stay in Louisiana with him because I had no idea where Sam or Dean were. I didn't even know if they were alive. After a month or so, I came clean to Roy about being a hunter. Then he came clean about being a vampire. I was surprised for a little bit. Mostly shocked that I didn't see that. I also found out his real name is Benny and that he's great in bed. 

One night, on his way home from work, Benny showed up in panic mode. He was saying how we needed to leave. That, someone, was trying to frame him. We took the camper and drove up the road to Mill Creek. The next night we found a body. Her throat was ripped out. Benny and I a hole and tossed her in it. Someone was indeed framing my man and we knew who it was. Benny is a vampire, but he's not monster. I've been with Benny for a few months and he hasn't once tried draining me. 

I was on the other side of the camper changing my clothes while Benny was on the other side washing his hands. When I heard some extra footsteps and voice, I grabbed my gun and crouched behind the truck. Sneaking around, I held my gun to the man standing in front of my Benny.

"Storm, it's alright," Benny assured me. "This is a friend of mine, Dean Winchester."

"Dean?" I questioned and lowered my gun.

And it was. Dean, standing tall and in the flesh.

"Storm? Is that really you?" He questioned with a rugged voice.

I nodded my head. "Yes," I breathed and ran in for a hug.

"Wait, how do you know my girl?" Benny questioned.

"I grew up with Dean," I explained to Benny. "I told you how Crowley to took me. Well, I guess I kinda left out the part where I thought Sam and Dean were dead, so I kinda just stayed here with you Ben."

Benny wrapped his arm around me. "Awe, darlin', aren't you just to the sweetest."

Dean cleared his throat. "This doesn't change the fact that Benny has been dropping bodies."

I laughed. "It's not him, Dean. If you fought with Benny in Purgatory, you'd know that Benny doesn't attack humans."

Benny pulled me closer. "Storm is right. It's a rogue vamp. Came into the Cafe a couple night ago -- youngster goes by the name of Desmond. He, uh, he remembers me from the good old days."

"The good old days?" Dean questioned, holding his weapon nicely in his hands.

"I know it's hard to believe, but I always haven't been this cute and cuddly. He's chasing a memory, Dean. That's all. He's crewing up a new nest. He's hoping I can give him some cred. I told him no." Benny explained.

Dean with his face to cold looking replied, "Alright. So far, so good. Let's get to the part about the blood. And how you met Storm."

I took Benny's hand and entwined his fingers with mine as he continued to explain to Dean.

"Didn't want to take no for an answer. He's trying to roust me out, leaving dead bodies in my wake till I sign up. Two bodies in two days, No amateur is gonna kick me out of my hometown, Dean. Not this time."

Dean seemed a little taken back by that. "Hometown? You grew up here?"

Benny nodded. "Born and bred. With Andrea gone and you hunting again, seemed like the right time for a homecoming, you two being the only ones who keep all my ducks in a row. Went back to my old job at the Cafe. Then this little thing walks in one night. There was just something about her, Dean."

Dean rolled his eyes and looked away as Benny leaned down to kiss my nose.

"Storm really got a hold of me, Dean. I also found someone else to hold myself accountable to. Best kind of someone, Dean. Family." Benny says.

Dean clicked his tongue. "Elizabeth."

"She's his great-granddaughter," I said to him.

When I saw Dean's face, I knew he'd done something. But I wasn't going to say anything and neither was Dean or he'd be in a lot of trouble.

Benny wanted to go after Desmond, but Dean told us it was a bad idea. I trusted Dean and that so Benny and he could see that. So we waited for Dean to called and when he did, he told us to leave because Sam and Martin were coming for Benny. The two of us left and met Dean to gank Desmond which only took a few minutes. After Desmond was dead, Dean us, Benny, to go deep underground and for some reason, Dean thought I was going with him. 

"Dean, I'm staying with Benny," I told him. 

"Why, Storm," Dean asked. 

I scoffed. "Dean, I've been in Hell for the past year and a half. When I finally got out of there, Benny was the first person I met. He took me in while you and Sam weren't looking for me. Benny made me feel safe. I also love him. You can't make choose between the guy I love and the life I want to leave behind, Dean." 

"Alright," Dean said, backing up. 

"Maybe I'll come back. I don't know, Dean. Right now, I want Benny." 

Benny, Dean, and I to the cafe, so Benny could see Liz one more time. Dean and Benny said goodbye, then Dean gave me a hug goodbye. 

We were on the road, just about an hour away when Benny got a call. Then suddenly he turned the truck around and we were heading back. Someone had Liz and if Ben didn't get there, she's dead. 

Finally getting back to the cafe, Benny grabbed me and pulled me close to him. 

"Benny,  what are you doing?" I asked with a slight giggle. 

"I'm not sure what's going to happen in there," he said softly. 

"What's going to happen is we save Liz and kill Martin," I replied. 

Benny leaned down kissed me as deep as he could, holding me tighter every second it lasted. "I love you, Storm," he breathed after the ling and passionate kiss. 

Playing with his hair, I whispered back, "I love you too, Benny." 

Turning our focus back to the mission, Benny went through the front, while I headed through the back with my gun loaded. I walked up just in time, Martin had a knife to Lizzie's throat and was tormenting Benny with her blood. I could tell Benny was tempted, but he held it together like I a real man. I finally just shot Martin in the head, ending the whole thing. When I looked up at Benny from Martin's shaking body, Benny was already out the door and speeding off in the truck. 

"Benny!" I yelled, running out the door, but it was too late. Benny was already gone. "What the fuck?" I whispered to myself, heading back inside to help Liz. 

"What the Hell!?!" Liz shouted at me. "Who's Benny?!" 

I explained to Liz about everything as I untied her. Then she called Dean who was at the cafe in a matter of minutes, so we told him everything that happened. Since Benny left me, I hopped into the Impala and went with Dean. 

"Why'd he leave you?" Dean asked after a long while in silence. 

I shrugged. "I have no idea, Dean. I knew something was going to happen because of the way he acted before we went in." I quickly looked towards the window and blinked away my tears. 

"What do mean?" 

"When we got to the Cafe, Benny hugged me one last time with a long kiss and told me he loved me after I told him, we were going to be fine," I explained. 

Dean reached over and patted my leg, which was dangerously close to the inner part of my thigh. "I'm Benny had his reasons."

"Yeah," I sighed, pushing his hand off my leg. 

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