.thirty three.

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|Sarah's P.O.V|

The dust flew behind me as I tore down the long gravel driveway. Chad's car really had a kick which I wasn't used to at all, but I wanted to get as far way as him as possible.

My heart was racing to the point of where my chest hurt. If it kept pumping blood this fast, my whole body would explode any second.

I was lost of words and feelings. If Chad had the chance to take advantage of me, he would of, then probably hold me hostage until he decided to kill me. Thinking about the thought of being held captive by that jerk made me shiver.

"Fuck, I need Niall."

Whenever I got sad, or depressed when I was younger, I'd always find a substitute reason to be sad. Like, if I forgot to give my grandma a hug before she left, and then I'd fall and get hurt... I'd cry for her. I'd always cry for her and now that I walked out on Niall when he told me some real big news, I can't help but crave him. I need his arms around me. I need him to protect me from Chad.

The driveway ended and I took a right, back into town. I needed to get back to our hotel or venue. Either one works, but I have this gut feeling that Chad knows exactly where I am right now. It's like he has a tracking device inside of me.

Scanning the road, I took one hand off the wheel so I could reach into my pocket to grab my phone. Once I searched my pocket a few times, I soon realized my phone was nowhere on me.

Beginning to panic, I glanced one more time at the road before I shoved my hand into my purse which was on the passengers seat. Reaching around a little, I felt nothing but my wallet and few other things I carried around. No phone at all.

"Fuck!" I screamed so loudly that my voice cracked. I flung my purse, angry because I couldn't contact anyone. I was more worried about Aspen and Niall than myself at this moment. The last thing I needed was them to be worried for a much longer period of time.

My teary eyes made it harder to see the road. The only thing I could make out was red and blue lights flying past me. It didn't click at first, but a couple moments later I realized those cops were coming for me... for Chad.

Since a young age, whenever I saw a cop car or was around a cop, I got nervous. I felt like they had all the power against me and could do anything they wanted. Which is mostly true, but having a fear of cops is somewhat bad since I'm not a rebellious kid.

I should be glad to see them, they can protect me from him, Chad. The cops are the good guys.

Contemplating on turning back around, I figured I should because I'd rather not have stealing a car go on my record. Pulling to the side of the rode, waiting for no more traffic, I continued to do a Y-turn.

Once I was in the other lane, I slowly took off, scared of what was on the other end of the windy road.

My tears stopped, but my heart continued to pound as fast as it could. The closer I got to Chad's driveway, the faster I felt like nothing because my heart was taking all the attention away from my body.

I've only felt like this once, and it was when I saw my dad lay in the hospital bed. All these machines connected to him and tubes running in and out of his body. I knew he was going to die, I saw the way mom looked at him. All over her face read, "this is the last time we will ever see each other." Surprisingly I was too in shock to cry, and Logan was too drunk to know what was happening.

All I could do was sit there and wait for the possible outcome.

Sitting in Chad's car, I was feeling all types of ways. Nervous, scared, angry, mad, and the one that was over powering all my feelings- missing Niall.

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