Chapter 29. The Unpleasant News

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Marika's POV

Oh my God.

I'm almost home! I can't believe it! I didn't sleep on the whole car ride because I'm way too excited for that and it's still morning too.

"It's already 10:30 . . . Ugh." Billy muttered with a yawn.

"I know, I can't wait to see my brother!" I beamed at him, he just gave me a deadpan look before rolling his eyes. Can I just say that one of the reasons I'm happy is because I won't have to deal with this misanthrope anymore.

We're already in the neighborhood and we're almost near my home! They said they'll drop me off.

I didn't realize how huge this neighborhood is . . . I see a lot of restaurants, malls, buildings. I guess we haven't really explored it yet.

Almost there . . . Just one last turn and I'm home . . .

I grinned wider when I spotted my house but it quickly turned into a frown, Why the hell are there police cars in front of our house?

I furrowed my brows in confusion as we got closer, there's a lot of people crowding our house . . .

"Why are there so many people?" Mrs. Johnson broke the silence. She stared put the window as Robert parked on the other side of the street since there's a horde in front of our house like there's a friggin' concert or something.

Curiously, all of us stepped out to check what's up, I couldn't contain my excitement and confusion so I ran and went ahead. I pushed my way through the throng of people and was finally in front. There were a LOT of cops and professional-looking people walking in and out.

"Excuse me, but what happened?" I asked a tall cop who's standing in front of me, he turned around before answering,

"A murder, Peter Woods, Margaret Woods and their son, Liu Woods was found dead in their bedroom just now."

What . . . What kind of sick joke is this!? I ran as fast as I can and entered the house, ignoring the people that tried to stop me.

"Mom! Dad!" I kept calling out for them, hoping to see them greet me with their loving smiles and ask about my weekend with Liu and his annoying grin.

I reached their bedroom and was stunned at the horrible scene. Mom and dad was on the bed, all bloody and gutted, Liu was lying in a pool of blood on the floor.
They all had this smile carved on their bloody faces and a note on the wall, written in blood that says 'Go To Sleep . . .'

No . . . No, this is just a dream, I'm still asleep in the car, on my way home . . . This ain't real . . .

I ran away from the gruesome scene, passing by a cop who tried to stop me. I looked for Jeff in the house but he's nowhere to be found.

I broke down on the floor, crying as I let the news sink in. My family died, of all families, why did it had to be mine?

A police helped me up and I sobbed louder as he took me out of the house and into the back of a police car, I noticed the Johnsons on the window but ignored them. I hugged my knees and cried on them as I think of my family, I felt pain, confusion and desperation. Who would do such a thing?

The same police got on the car and drove me away from my house. I glanced at him with teary eyes as he gave me a pitiful look. I tried to hold the tears back but I couldn't, my life is messed up. Why would someone do this and where is Jeff? Did the criminal kidnapped him? Or maybe he's at the police station, yeah . . .

I didn't even get too say sorry to mom. I regret wasting so much time, I didn't get to tell them how much I love them.

My sobs filled the car as we drove all the way to the police station, he got out and opened the door for me. He lead me in the station with a bunch of people giving me sorrowful looks, Do they think that that makes me feel better? Well it doesn't, it just makes me feel worse.

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