Chapter Three: Trailer Park Days

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Shane's POV

    "C'mon, Shane!" Kera urges me.  "Catch me if you can!" She giggles, childishly. I don't care that I am exhausted. Seeing her smile and laugh, for whatever silly motivations she may have, makes me happy and feel energized.

    I bound after her, until I am beneath the apple tree, where she has climbed halfway up the ancient thing. I can't remember why, but I know, that as a part of me, I am good at climbing trees. Better than Kera, even though she spent her entire childhood living in an orchard.

    I scramble up, until I sit next to Kera on the thicker limbs, my arms around her.

    "Caught you," I whisper softly into her ears. We smile, and I press my lips to hers. She breaks apart, giglling the most ridculous laugh that I find so amusing. "Your turn t catch me!" I jump to the ground from twenty feet up in the tree, landing perfectly.

    "No fair! You have super powers, or something, I swear!" Kera's honey-like voice brings me back to the daze. Where I know something is missing. In this daze, I feel loss, coldness, a pang of happiness, something wrong. I know that it is the wall, that no matter how hard I scratch at it, it will never stop itching. I will never even know what it is that I can't remember. But every time I snap out of the daze, I can't think about the fact that most of my memories are missing.

    "Hey, are still in there?" Kera asks, standing next to me. I snap out of the daze and nod, giving her a slight smile.

    We kiss again, before she checks the text sshe recieves ate the exact moment our lips pressed together.

    "Crap. It's my mom," Kera looks at me apollagetically. "She wants me home five minutes ago."

    "Oof, rough," I say in response. "I will walk you home," I then offer.

    "I can take care of myself," Kera laughs.

    "That's not what I was referring to."

    "You know how she is. She doesn't like you," Kera's face twists in pain for aa second.

    "Ok, maybe next time? Love you!"

    "Love you, too, Shane."

    I watch Kera, making sure she is fine, until she is out of my line of sight. it is still light out, so I might as well enjoy a literal walk in th epark, before I walk to my trailer.

    I subconsiously begin to sing as a walk. "Under a silver moon,

Tropical temperature

I feel my lotus bloom

Come closer

I want your energy,

I want your aura

You are my destiny,

My mantra

I never knew I could see something so clearly looking through my third eye

Never knew karma could be so rewarding and bring me to your light

Maybe this is the beginning of something so magical tonight 

Take me down to the river

Underneath the blood-orange sun

Say my name like a scripture

Keep my heart beating like a drum

Legendary lovers, we could be legendary

La la la la la

Legendary lovers, we should be legendary

La la la la la

Go down in history

Go down together,

Into infinity,


You're Cleopatra

You're blushing Juliet

Anything for your love,

A ride or die

I never knew I could see something so clearly looking through my third eye

Never knew karma could be so rewarding and bring me to your light

Maybe this is the beginning of something so magical tonight 

Take me down to the river

Underneath the blood-orange sun

Say my name like a scripture

Keep my heart beating like a drum

Legendary lovers, we could be legendary

La la la la la

Legendary lovers, we should be legendary

La la la la la

Oh, take me down to the river

Underneath the blood-orange sun

Say my name like a scripture

Keep my heart beating like a drum

Legendary lovers, we could be legendary 

La la la la la

Legendary lovers, we should be legendary 

La la la la la

Take me down to the river

Underneath the blood-orange sun 

Say my name like a scripture

Keep my heart beating like a drum

Legendary lovers, we could be legendary

La la la la la

Legendary lovers, we should be legendary

La la la la la."

    Why did singing Katy Perry's Legendary Lover's bring on a sense of Deja Vu? I hardly ever even listened to her . . .

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