Chapter Forty Three: Girl With a Gun

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Naomi's POV

    I look through the trees, watching my father helping to lead the charge. We all know that the wolves crouch in the brush and amongst the swamp grass, yet they stay. I am trying my hardest not to give whoops and cheer, because I know we are about to win this war. The wolves are outnumbered by us hunter's.

    But where are the unicorns? No matter, they would have to be within a close distance to use their horns as weapons.

    But that is when I see a girl in a tree. Aiming her gun at one of the hunters. When I look to where the point of her pistol is aimed, I lose it. She is about to shoot my father.

    My father, who taught me to hunt these wolves and unicorns whom plagued the earth for many millenia. My father, who taught me how to defend myself. And beyond that, how to protect those around me and the poeole I love. But right now, the last person I love on this God forsaken planet is about to get shot by a girl my age.

    So I do what I have to do, in order to save my father.

    I raise the shotgun I have slung over my right shoulder, slide it into position under my arm. I take aim at the girl who appears human, but I imagine is truly unicorn, and  . . . I pull the trigger.

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