Chapter Forty Five: Guilty Infatuation

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Cheyenne's POV

    I awaken to terrible, terrible pain. It is treacherous enough in my left shoulder that I do not wish to face the world. All I want to do, for once in my life, is sink back into the deep darkness. The blackness that cloaks the world. Why do I hurt so much?!

    Last thing I remember is howling from the wolves, bloodshed. Hunters dying amongst- Oh God! The war between the shifters, us unicorns and the werewolves, against the hunters. Has it finished? Am I the only one left? Or am I truly dead? Death isn't supposed to be painful. It is supposed to be quick, not so frightening. Or so I have been told, as many others before me . . .

    I attempt to roll over, and groan in the process. In the end, all that happens is an increase in pain, and I am stuck in the same position as when I started. I cannot lay face down in the pillows forever. Wait . . . these are rocks. Why do I find my nose buried in dirt, on the cold, hard ground?

     "She is awake!" I hear a girl hiss. She can't be far from my age.

    "Sh, giver her a moment." It takes a moment, but I recognize Lysander's voice. being thrown around in the wind. "Ok, Cheyenne. On the count of three, we are going to pick you up. One . . . Two-"

    I scream, as I am ripped from the ground and yanked to my feet. The arm under my right shoulder is large, muscular. By the one that sends wracks of pain into my left shoulder is smaller, thinner, and longer. Although it is clung to by the sleeves of a jean jacket, I bend my head, and send my teeth into the arm.

    I am immediatley dangling off of the arm connected to my right, and the girl, whom must have been on the left, squeels shrilly. I try my hardest not to laugh. Served her right, causing extra pain.

    "Was that really neccesary, Cheyenne?" Lysander asks calmly. "She is kind of infatuated with you, now that she feels guilty."

    "Guilty about what?"

    "Does your left shoulder not hurt?!" Lysander sounds shocked. "She shot you, and just barely missed your heart!"

    It is then that I realize what the red, sticky warm goo is all over my front side. 

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