Chapter Thirty Six: Screwed

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Cheyenne's POV

    Shane and I hold each other in one another's arms. Neither of us have weapons and the teperature is to high for us to shift inro our alternate forms. We are  completely and utterly defenseless, and we won't get for by foot, especially against those wolves. So basically, we are screwed.

    The wolves howls get closer and louder.

    "I love you," I nearly sob to Shane.

    "I love you, too," we breifly let our ips and eyes meet, gently. So much meaning and emotion grips us in this moment. And then they are upon us . . .

    I brace myself for claws and fangs. The only kind werewolf- the only werewofl in general- that I had ever known was Lysander, and we are not exactly on speaking terms! Shane groups me close to his chest, trying to protect me from the ensueing attacks, soon to come.

    "Why did you run from us?" A gentle voice presses us for information.

    "What the h*ll-"

    "Nope, just me," Lysander responds to my cussing. Shane and I look up, surrounded by men in black shorts. Each one is puffing, as if they just endured an extremely exhilirating moment. They all stare at Shane and I, as they form a semi half circle around Lysander.

    "Who are they?" I ask, nodding at the people surrounding him. Shane stands, then offers me a hand, so as to help me to my feet.

    "They are my pack," Lysander answers, pointedly. "I will answer more questions after you answer mine," he stops me once I start to open my mouth.

    "We thought you wanted to kill us. You still might, for all we know," Shane finally speaks up. "esides, you just killed my cousin. She was a sister to me, and a best friend to Cheyenne."

    "Apparently, you need to get a better taste in friends," Lysander claims, rolling his eyes all the while.

    "What on earth is that supposed to mean?!" I shreik. He is the one who couldn't tell me that we are long lost cousins when we were in the middle of a romantic relationship! In which case, my relationships in general aren't that great . . . Shane with the Amnesia for ahile, my family dead. Jillian dead. Tina . . . dead. Dare I keep thinking about it?

    "Well, since this so called best friend of yours was trying to kill you-"

    "Tina would never do something like that!" Shane is starting to lose it . . .

    "One of my wolves died to save you, Cheyenne," Lysander adresses me. "I stepped forward and was the one to kill your human girl. Your hunter. She was pulling a knife on you. From what you explained about her aunt, I beleive that she was trained to kill you. To hate you."

    I don't want to beleive these cold words. But even as I try to deny them, they sink in, and I realize that they are fact.

    "So, out of everything, you failed to tell me that you were part of a wolf pack?" I desperately attempt to change the topic. Tina couldn't . . . did she really kill Jillain, too, then? It makes sense . . . 

    "Alpha Lysander, must we listen to these petty unicorns?" One of the pack members asks.


    "You also neglected to tell me you were the alpha of a pack?!" I cut off his answers. "How much else did you hide from me? What do you want from us?!"

    "To get to the point-"

    "Please do!" Shane shouts at Lysander, pulling me close to him, once again.

    "Hunters are coming for you two."

    "Why do you care?" I am trying to hold back my tears at this point. I am having a complete overload of plot twists to my life!

    "Well, you are family."

    "I know there is more to it than that," Shane speaks for me.

    "These hunters are coming for my pack, too."

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