Chapter Seven: Their Frickin' Tree

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Cheyenne's POV

    I had climbed an apple tree across from a random girl, completely unaware of what was going on. I had fled after Shane left. Apparently, we went in the same exact direction, because as tears well in my eyes, they make out. Not the sharpest sword made of iron and in a heated state could hurt more than this feeling.

    I do as I do best and sing to myself, "He spends his nights in California

Watching the stars on the big screen,

Then he lies awake and he wonders,

Why can’t that be me

Cause in his life he is filled

With all these good intentions

He’s left a lot of things 

He’d rather not mention right now

But just before he says goodnight, 

He looks up with a little smile at me,

And he says,

If I could be like that,

I would give anything

Just to live one day, in those shoes

If I could be like that,

what would I do,

What would I do

Now and dreams we run

She spends her days up in the north park,

Watching the people as they pass

And all she wants is just

A little piece of this dream, 

Is that too much to ask

With a safe home, and a warm bed, 

On a quiet little street

All she wants is just that something to

Hold onto, that’s all she needs


If I could be like that,

I would give anything

Just to live one day, in those shoes

If I could be like that, what would I do,

What would I do

I’m falling into this, dreams,

We run away

If I could be like that,

I would give anything

Just to live one day, in those shoes

If I could be like that, what would I do,

What would I do

If I could be like that,

I would give anything

Just to live one day, in those shoes

If I could be like that, what would I do,

What would I do

If I could be like that,

I would give anything

Just to live one day, in those shoes

If I could be like that, what would I do,

What would I do

Falling in

I feel I am falling in, to this again."

    Apparently I didn't sing If I Could Be Like That, by Three Doors Down, quitely enough. Shane and his arm candy are staring at me as if I climbed their frickin' tree!

    I run back to the hotel we are staying at. The Florida weather is almost too hot to shift into my unicorn form in, but I manage anyways. I go to one of the swamps, which is not a good idea. Alligators, on several accounts, scare the living crap out of me. I mean, those over sized reptiles are known to eat people!

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