Chapter Nineteen: He's the Adopted One

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Shane's POV

     Walking with Kera downtown in the early spring heat is quite relaxing, but not to my wallet. I have a credit card from my parents, but the balance is not far from zero . . .

    "We should go in that bookstore!" I cut in. Finally! A store that seemed appealing to me!

    "Do we have to go into that bookstore?"

    "Yes," I proclaim. "We have been into every single store you wanted to go to. Now it is my turn. I will make it quick," I promise, although I know that I could live in a bookstore.

    Kera sighs and shakes her head grudgingly before we go in. Trying not to get lost in the possibilities of all the pages filled with their own fantasies and mysteries throughout the store, just waiting to be opened and explored, I wrap an arm around Kera's waist.

    "Hi, Lysander," she calls, lazily to a shaggy haired blond boy with a British accent.

    "Who is he?" I am automatically curious, though only slightly alarmed.

    "Adopted brother," Kera says, implying that she dislikes her brother.

    "She's your sister?!" Cheyenne appears at Lysander's side, a girl in her early teens at her side.

    "What are you doing here, Cheyenne?" I can't help but ask.

    "Well, what are you doing here, Shane?"

    "I came here to shop for books with my girlfriend." Both Cheyenne and Kera raise their eyebrows. Then I notice the younger girl is standing the same way as both the girls, even her brows raised. Lysander just has a bemused expression on his face.

    "Well, I am visiting my boyfriend with your cousin. We are going to see a movie after we are done here." Cheyenne unnerves me . . .

    "Maybe we should all go together," offers Lysander.

     "Which of you is adopted?" The girl, who apparently is my cousin asks. Wait- Tina?

    "Lysander is the adopted one," Kera rolls her eyes.

    "Anyways, if we are going to the theater, we better get going, now," Cheynne attepmts to keep peace.


    In the theater, I cannot concentrate on the movie. I don not even know what we are watching, for I am to distrracted by the group of people I am with. Cheyenne is sneaking dirty looks at Kera and practically cuddling Lysander. Kera is returning dirty looks to Cheyenne and glaring at Lysander, while trying to continue giving me attention. Tin?

     She refuses to sit with the four of us. Tina is in the front row of the other side of the theater, looking bored out of her mind and seriously aggrivated. In short, none of us are enjoying ourselves, or even paying attention to the movie. 

    Between glares exchanged between the other three of my age group, I am still recieving flashbacks. I remember Tina, like my own little sister. I remember my aunt, Jillian, and how she fought in Afghanistan. I remember so much, but oh so little about my mother.

    I know that I adressed her as Lilith and she disliked Cheyenne. From all I remember, why can't I remember my own mother?


    Outside the theater, Tina walks ahead of the four of us. Shekeeps up a brisk pace, hardly looking back over her shouder to see if we continued following in her pursuit.

     Out of nowhere, Kera and Cheyenne break out in arguement, sqaubbling as if it would safe their blessed souls.

    "He was so not worth her heartbreak!" Kera is shouting at Cheyenne. Is this about the events in the movie? I thought we had all agreed on some sort of comedy . . .

    "Sometimes, that right guy- If someone really loves you, they will always come back to you-"

    "Shut up! That is-"

    Suddenly, Cheyenne starts to stalk away, but Kera grabs a tangle of Cheyenne's long, loose hair. Of course, Cheyenne stops and whirls around. Kera goes farther than cat clawing, so Cheyenne puts her on her *ss. Next thing any of us knows, Lysander is standing between the girls, telling Kera to leave Cheyenne alone.

    "Dude, get away from my girlfriend!" I shout at Lysander, instincively going to Cheyenne's side- except that Kera was the only one I was supposed to love. I switch sides, although my instinct is to side with Cheyenne, even if that meant agreeing with Lysander.

     But my loyalties are supposed to lie with Kera. I walk to her and help her to her feet. "You alright?" Kera nods, blood streaking down her elbow diagnally.

    "What about Cheyenne? You going to ask Cheyenne if she is fine? Your girlfriend started the fight!" Lysander interjects.

     "Kera is your sister!" Next thing I know, Lysander and I are pummeling each other with bawled up fists.

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