Chapter Twenty Two: Chromosome Pairing

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Cheyenne's POV

         "I have done a lot of research already, and if I can get  a blood sample from you, too, I can figure out about unicorn DNA. My adoption is a closed one, so I am using online search engines to try and track down my biological family."

     "Ok, good thing we have plenty of chocolate!" I say enthuisiastically to Lysander. 

    "As long as the store doesn't get turned into a mess!"

    "Why hadn't you researched it before?"

    "I never really had the courage to delve that far into my past," Lysander looks me in the eyes, honest and awe inspiringly.

    "Then let's get started!" I laugh encouragingly. He starts to click away at the Mac book Pro's white keyboard. A few minutes later, Lysander sounds a loud, "Ah, ha!"

    "What?!" I ask, curiously.

    "Charles Dutch!"

     "Who is he?"

      "Theoretically, my great great great grandfather! I found his journal archived. The entiries are titled-"

     "Ooh!" I can't help the excitement bubbling up within me.

     "He has one marked with- Chromosomes- he was a scientist, I guess."

    "Maybe he researched the werewolf traits."

    "Your guess is as good as mine," I wait as Lysander skims over the material of his great great great grandfather's journal. "Oh my God!"

    "What?" I urge Lysander to continue, so he stands and makes wide arm motions, so it is as if he is trying to some kind of end zone dance.

    "Apparently, unicorns are in my blood, too!"

    "Okay  . . ."

    "Charles did research back in his time that was so extensive that it shows some of the gennetic make up of unicorns and werewolves." Lysander sat down by the laptop again, scrolling for a moment. "It says that humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes. Werewolves have 19 pairs of chromosomes, and unicorns have 27." The wide grin spanning across Lysander's face distracts me from the point.


    "There is about a 33 percent chance of a unicorn shifter and a werewolve's children being A, human," Lysander lists, "B, werewolf, or C, a unicorn. Unicorns DNA is more complex than a regular human's, and werewolves DNA is simpler."

    "I don't know how much of the werewolf legends are true. Would you tell me about them?"

    "Sure, another time. I don't know hardly anything about unircorns, except that they have complex DNA, consisting of 27 pairs of chromosomes," We both laugh for a moment.

    "I should probably go check on Tina soon."

     "Won't you please stay a little longer, just while I research my family line a bit more? Maybe you can tell me all about unicorns today.'

    "Sure," and I launch off about everything from the full moon forcing the phasing and silver arrows being most deadly to unicrons, to controlling the transformation and the usual coloring of unicorns.

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