Chapter Eight: Scrambled Brains

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Shane's POV

    The full moon is next week. Oh, yay, I get to undergo an extremely painful transfomation into some kind a horned beast without clothes! That is exactly what all biys dream of. In their nightmares! I don't remember what happened, but I know that I didn't always turn into a unicorn. For some reason, the more flashbacks I get, the more the unicorn situation seems to have Cheyenne written all over it!

    Cheyenne face down on a blue bed spread. Her bare back exposed to me. I am sewing her pale flesh back together with dental floss and a pen knife.

    Even when I am with Kera, enjoying my time, I get flashbacks. Either that, or they are seriously screwed up daydreams! I swear that Cheyenne is always nearby when I am in the park!

    "So about that ice cream you promised me the other day?" Kera reminds me.

    "Sure thing! Maybe you want o come with this time? I could get lost," I joke with her, smiling like we are supposed to. We are supposed to be happy, not ahunted by a past I can hardly remember!

    Cheyenne and I singing Phoenix by Fallout Boy in a nightclub.

    "Oi! Are you ok, Shane?"

    "Yeah, Kera, I am just a bit dizzy."

    "Oops, sorry. I have that affect on a lot of guys," she jokes.

    "I think I just need to lay down for a minute."


    Singing, of course. Then my fist connecting with the face of another man. A man with several names and even more crimes. Beating him over Cheyenne. Finding out what he was going to do with her . . .

    Another woman, who had already suffered from the man. Jillian? Something tells me I am closely related to her.

   "Shane! Are you even listening?" Kera asks, as I stand.

    "Yes, I am sorry. I think I am coming down with something."

    "I need to go home. I will see you at school tomorrow." With that, Kera walks away. On my walk back to my trailer, I run into none other than Cheyenne.

    Laughing. Sitting in happiness with Cheyenne. Joking about random things. Being told that I need to stop PMSing. PMSing? She must have had it backwards . . .  Being yelled about toast . . . Confused, conflicted, loss-

    "What have you done to me?!" I scream at Cheyenne. The real Cheyenne. Not the memories of her that I now wish I could forget. "Quit following me!

    "What are you talking about?!" She has tears about to pop out of her eyes. For some reason, I know that this isn't normal for her.

    "Hello, hello, baby, you called? I can't hear a thing

I have got no service, in the club, you see, you see

Wha-Wha-What did you say, huh? You're breaking up on me

Sorry, I cannot hear you, I'm kinda busy

K-kinda busy

K-kinda busy

Sorry, I cannot hear you

I'm kinda busy

Just a second, its my favorite song they gonna play

And I cannot text you with a drink in my hand, eh?

You should've made some plans with me, you knew that I was free

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