Chapter Thirty Four: The Glades . . . Or is it Really the Blades?

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Tina's POV

    "Can I ride on Cheyenne's back instead?" I ask Shane.

    He slowly rises to his feet and Cheyenne ducks down in order for me to climb on. Her back has a softer texture than Shane's thick not so furry like coat. His is fiery red, as compared to her snowy white. Even her shaggy mane is softer, silkier, than my cousin's.

    We ride, or rather, the two unicorns run and I ride- for at least an hour. They come to a stop and drink from when of the freshwater creeks in the glades. I have to do it soon. I have to do it or I never will . . .

    I start to pull a silver blade from my back pocket, but Cheyenne snorts what must be the equivialnt of unicorn laughter when Shane bobs his head from side to side. Unicorns are so weird! Unless it is just my unicorn connections. That is always a possibility.

    We set out, and I shift the bag of clothing that Shane and Cheyenne had me holding. They wanted to have cothing to change back into when they phased back.

    I hear rustling in some of the bushes ten yards back. Now is the perfect time-

    Just as I pull the blade forward and am about to slash Cheyenne's throat out, there is some sort of yowl, and a very very large dog leaps through the air. I kill it with one liquid movement with my arm. It yowls, before it shifts at the speed of light. 

    Both Shane and Cheyenne have come to a complete halt at this point. Cheyenne almost rears up onto her hind legs in surprise at the sight before us.

    In front of us all, a tall man lays in a heap, blood running from his tan neck. His graying hair is  nearly chin length, and my knife is on the ground next to him. The leaves and grass behind Cheyenne's rear hooves are stained red with the man's blood. Werewolves? Seriosuly? Was Lysander not enough as far as furry beasts went?

    I hear another growl, and quickly draw my back up knife. I am about to stick it in Cheyenne's throat- She and Shane don't understand, so they try to protect me with their own bodies. These wolvesmust know what my goal is. Somehow, they must know . . .

    I swing the blade forward, appreciating it's glint as it slides through the air. But before it reaches past Cheyenne's front shoulder blades, I have been dragged to the ground, before I even registered what the blunt force flying into my abdomen was.

    The blood curdling howl, a scream from Cheyenne, already human, trying to defend me. Pain- red, sticky heat-

The Pain Of Their Presence - Sequel to Sound of Their PresenceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang