Chapter Thirty Five: Fallen Comrades

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A few slightly graphic details, but that is nothing new if you have been reading this series all along! I am thinking I should rate this series PG-13.  Let me know what you think in the comments about that, please!


Shane's POV

    I watch my cousin being shredded to peices. Tiny, bloody peices, flesh flying. All by this group of wolves. I don't know how to respond. Tina's screams subsided what feels like years ago, and all that remains are Cheyenne's cries of despair, accompanied by the wolf pack's cold, cruel, blood lusting yowls. 

    In this moment, I know about nothing but this burning pain in my chest. I don't even remember how to shift, until Cheyenne's pale face is level with my long muzzle. She strokes my snout, tears streaming down her face. This is what finally gets to me. This is what finally breaks through the ice wall that seemed to consruct itself without my permission, in just a few mere minutes.

    I phase, and pull Cheyenne behind me, keeping her away from the wolves. I want to go hold Tina, just one last time, but even now . . . The largest part of her is her right pinky, detached at the fist knuckle from the base. 

    Instead of clutching her, I need to get Cheyenne to safety, away from these ravaging, wild creatures. These over grown dogs that must be able to turn into men, like their comrade dead to the blade Tina was carrying. 

     I snag our clothing bag from te bush it had rolled into, and Cheyenne and I run, barefoot through the swamp.

    My last thought before I fade into blackness: Why did Tina have a knife out?


    I find my clothing in a pile by my head, and look up to find Cheyenne standing protectively above me. She has already dressed. I quickly thrown on my jeans, and despair further when I discover the lack of a t-shirt. No matter . . . confidence? Oh well.

     "How long have I been out?" I ask Cheyenne, noticing that she is wearing the same outfit as at the park oh so long ago. She fidgets with one of the buckles on her blues top. I grasp her hand, and her bottom lip trembles ever so slightly.

    "Not long. Maybe twenty minutes, but we need to get out of hear."

     "Ugh," Phasing again! Seriously?!

    "But it is to hot for us to shift at this point, Shane. We are going to have to walk to the hotel or your trailer in our human forms," Cheyenne concludes.

    "Fine," I offer. "How did ou get me over here, anyways? I mean, I am not the lightest person around."

    "I dragged you. Are you hurt?"

    "Just a couple of bruises and scratches," I admit. "What about you?"

    "I am fine," Cheyenne looks to the ground. "Oh no, " she winces, as we hear howling. The wolves have made a reappearance. And they are growing close fast . . .

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