Chapter Twenty Nine: Another Pint!

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Cheyenne's POV

    "You know what, Tina?" I press the girl before me. "Men are little b*tches!"

    "I guess the meeting did not go very well?" Tina ventures.

    "Not at all!" I continue my rant. "Apparently, Lysander and I are somehow frigging cousins! And neither of those two boys seemed slightly emotionally affected!"

    "How about we take out your wrath on some ice cream?" Tina interrupts me, just I subconciously reached to chuck the hotel room phone at the cream colored cement walls.

     "You know, that is a good idea!" I rise to my feet and grab my wallet from the side table by the velvety couch we had both been perched on.

    "One request!" TIna pipes up as we pull on our shoes.

     "Sure. Anything you like," I offer, as I lace up my knee high leather combat boots. These things have been through thick and thin with me!


    "You know what movie we should watch?" Tina gets all excited and looks into my eyes, dragging her attention away from her specially selected bubble gum ice cream.

     "No more chick flicks!" I practically scream. We have watched liek five of them already! You realize it is four in the morning, right?"

    "We watched three! The Wizard of Oz is not a chick flick!"

    "Two women are willing to fight to the death with each other over a pair of shoes-"

    "Ok, point taken. What would you recommend then?"

    "Resident Evil: Extinction!"

    "But it is a zombie movie!"

    "So what?" I instigate.

    "Like you said, it is almost four. In the morning!"

    "FIne. How about Underworld: Rise of the Lycans-"

    "Why watch werewolves and shifters trying to kill each other? I thought we were trying to get over a pair of boys who just happen to turn into animals . . ."

    "Fine. I give up. I need to pee, you make up your mind while I take care of that."

    "Ooh, enjoy yourself! And would you pretty pretty please get me another pint of Moose tracks while you are up?" Tina begs. I stop in front of the small hotel fridge and pull one of our few remaining cartons of icecream from our quickly depleting stockpile. I toss a pint of Moose tracks at her head and hear a high pitched "Ouch" and giggle as I continue on my way.

    When I return, I ask,"Did you make up your mind on a movie yet?"

    "Yes, as a matter of fact. Did you enjoy releiving your bladder?" Tina wears a mischevious grin that spans from one ear to the other.

     "Oh, yep. Totally," I plop down on the couch. "What movie did you pick?" I extend my hand so I can look at the description by using the remote to find it on the pay per veiw on the television.

    Instead of handing me the remote or answering, Tina presses the play button and sits on the remote, completely intentionally. The little snot, which is meant affectionately, after everything we have been through.

    Next thing I know, we are half way through Pitch Perfect, and the younger girl next to me is snoring away. I consider tickling her, but I just fish under her butt, cringing slightly- until I find the remote and shut off the T.V. Tina must be even more tired than I am, the poor girl.

    As I consider everything we have been through even in the past couple of weeks, it dawns on me. Nobody has told Shane about where his aunt has been buried. In fact, he hardly has any details on her at all. Even watching all of these movies and eating such an extremely insane amount of icecream can't distract me from the fact that I need to face the world. I need to face Lysander and Shane, beyond the pain of what has happened. Maybe I can help. With what, I am not sure, but I still want to make a difference . . .

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