b. six

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"Yes, Remus?" the  girl wondered with tight smile.

"Professor," he corrected.

"Oh, sorry," she said, as innocent as possible. "Yes, Professor Remus?"

Sighing, the teacher of the  class took the book away from Sawyer's hands. "Wandlore? Since when are you interesed in Wandlore?"

"Since always," she rolled her, "Accio Basic Wandlore," she pointed her wand at the book in his hands, "don't mind me, Remus, just go on."

Cormac McLaggen turned to look at the girl in confusion. Almost a month after the term's begun, and not even a single student has managed to figure out since when Sawyer was a student in the school, or how come the new Professor and her were as friendly as they were.

"Just because you're you, it does not mean you'll get to do whatever you'd like in my class," Remus stated, grabbing the book once more. Annoyed, Sawyer frowned up at him. "Sit properly, stop hunching, and start listening."

"Whatever mum," she huffed, straightening her back, and rolling her eyes.

"Save your attitude, sweetheart," he ruffled her dark hair that was tied in a messy braid. She frowned again, watching as Remus looked the book in a drawer, where she wouldn't be able to get it back until he'd let her have it.

The students all turned back to the professor who was showing them a creature called Dugbog, writing notes quietly as Remus explained about the (not-so) poor Mandrakes that are often eaten by the ugly creature.

Remus promised the Fourth-years that if they manage to finish the subject fast enough, and everyone will understand well enough, he'll let them practice on a Boggart, much like the Third-years' done at their first class with him.

Sawyer trailed behind, not atually writing everything or listening properly, thinking about the wood that was almost certainly the one Agambir's given her.

Sambucus, better known as the Elderberry.

It was  a rather tricky wood for wands, and the most famous wand made from that wood was the Elder Wand, from Beetle the Bard's stories. Paired with a Thestral's tail-hair as a core, the rumored strongest wand in the world.

Sawyer doubted it existed though.

Not a lot of wand-makers liked using either the wood or the core, and Sawyer, intrigued beyond measure, set herself a goal to get Ollivander to make her a wand from the wood, and hopefully, from Ace's tail-hair, if he'd let her. If the wand-maker would refuse, Sawyer would simply invest herself in making the wand herself.

Far away from other people, of course, since it could be quite dangerous.

"Class dismissed," suddenly snapped Sawyer bak to reality. "We'll be meeting Friday here, and we'll go practice with a Boggart," they cheered happily as they colleted their belongings, and Sawyer bounded to the front, ready to take the book away from Remus.

"Yes, Sawyer?"

"Hi Remus."

"May I have my book back?" Remus sighed, opening the drawer, holding the thick book in his hands, not handing it over. "Remus?"

"What are you doing, exactly?"

"I'm just interested in Wandlore," she feigned innocence, smiling softly. Had Remus known her any less, he'd buy it.

"Honestly, Sawyer. All you've been doing those past few months is researching about Death, and now you're suddenly studying Wandlore?" She shrugged, pushing the thoughts back, making sure that even if by some chance he'd manage to enter her mind, he wouldn't see what's clouding it.

"I've moved on," she grinned. "It's obvious I'm not Death, how could I be? It's ridiculous, isn't it?"

"Quite a bit," Remus gave her a small grin. "So, Wandlore is the new obsession?"

"If that's how you're gonna call it," she rolled her eyes, grinning.

"And you won't be tempering with wands and trying to make some or something, right?" Remus warned as he placed the book in Sawyer's out-stretched hand. He wouldn't let go yet, so Sawyer simply smiled at him.

"Of course I wouldn't, it's illegal."


The weeks flew by quickly, and before Sawyer even realized it, it was the day before Halloween and the first Hogsmeade trip of the year.

Sawyer and Meeko were occupying a sofa at the corner all by themselves. Her gaze was fixated on the darker than black hair in her hand. Ace's given her a single hair earlier that day, and that was her chance.

There was a much smaller shop of Ollivanders, of an associate of the famous Wandmaker, at Hogsmeade, just off the High Street.

Her heart was beating insanely, and she couldn't figure out why. Sawyer loved dearly her Acacia and Dragon Heartstring wand, and she'd never trade it─ but something about the idea of having a wand so rare drew her in. The only wand that she was more interested in having would be one like Salazar Slytherin owned, with a Basilisk Fang as a core.

"Hello there Miss Wilde, mind if I ask what are you thinking about?" Fred and George walked over, peering at her, intrigued.

"About you two," she sighed dramatically, sitting up, shoving the hair into her bag, where the wood was safely tucked in already. "Can't get you out of my head."

"We do have that affect about people," they sighed, sitting down in either side of her. "You coming to Hogsmeade, right?"

"Of course," she grinned, "why?"

"Wanna join us in Zonko and then Honeydukes?"

"Oh, I'd love that, but..." she smiled sheepishly, "I'm kind of busy already. I'm actually not sure if I'll even manage to finish my business in time..." Sawyer trailed off, wondering if said associate of Ollivander would agree to make the wand, and if he would, how she'd pay for it.

"That sounds interesting, are you meeting someone?" the two asked with devious grins.

"Why, yes, I am," she smiled a smile similar to theirs, and the two watched as she stood up, walking towards the stairs to the Girls' dormitories.

"Wait, Sawyer, who?!"

"Your mum!"

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