Happy New Year

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The squad met up at Jamiah's house. The time 11:50pm on December 31. They getting ready for New Years. They all were very excited. They made popcorn, some drinks, and they had their special New Years outfit. "Hey Troy." Said Deigo. "Yeah?" Asked Troy. "Are you and Jamiah going to have your New Years kiss?" He asked. (Deigo is in replacement for Jawan) "Yeah but it has to be perfect." He said. "Oooooooo!" "Oh shut up. What about you and Jackie? Are yall a thing yet?" Asked Troy. Deigo started blushing a little. "I heard my name over here." Said Jackie. "Over where?" Asked Deigo. "Here." She said. "We were just talking about Troy and JAMIAH and their New Years kiss." Said Deigo. "Yeah." Said Troy. "I also heard my name over here." Said Jamiah. "They were talking about you and Troy kissing for New Years." Said Jackie. "Oh then don't let me ruin the plans ." Said Jamiah. She walked away and started talking to everyone else. The time now was 11:59. They all counted down from 10. 10...9...8...7...6... Troy took Jamiah to the kitchen...5...4...3...2...1...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!! They all said. Then in a flash, Troy put his lips on Jamiah's. They started kissing and Somer saw it all. "Awwwwww." She said. "Happy new Years babe." He said. "Happy New Years." She said back. They went back in the living room and turned on some music. They were all singing and dancing with each other. "NEW YEAR NEW US!!!" Said Liyah. "YEAH!" They all said. "Mabey Jamiah could stop getting so many boyfriends." Said Angel. They all laughed. "Heyyyy that's just wrong." Said Jamiah. She started laughing too.

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