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Mario accidentally "slept over" at Jamiah and Liyah's dorm. When Liyah got back, she noticed them sleeping on Jamiah's bed, together, cuddling. She giggled a little then she realized it was Mario and not Troy. She figured that she broke up with him and got back together with Mario because everyone knows Jamiah doesn't cheat on anyone. Liyah went to her bed and fell asleep. The next morning, Mario was the first to wake up. He saw Jamiah sleeping on his cheast and he smiled. Then he looked over and saw Liyah sleeping. (Oh gosh, what if she saw us last night) Thought Mario. "Hey Jamiah, wake up." Whispered Mario. He gently shook her and she slowly woke up. "Jamiah, look." He pointed to Liyah. She slowly got up and looked over. "Oh gosh. What if she saw us last night?" Asked Jamiah. "Same thing I said to myself." Said Mario. "It's fine. She's cool though." Said Jamiah. "Ok." Said Mario. Jamiah layed back on his cheast. "I miss waking up to you by my side." She said. "Me too." Said Mario. All of a sudden there was a knock on the door. "I better answer that." Said Jamiah. She got her shirt and put it back on. She got up and answered the door. "Oh hey girls." She said. She went in the hallway and closed the door. "Hey Jamiah, have you seen Mario? All the guys are looking for him." Said Somer. "No why?" Asked Jamiah. "Well, Troy Said he went somewhere and never came back." Said Jackie. "Yeah. They are worried about him." Said Angel. "Oh." Said Jamiah. "Wanna help us look for him?" Asked Jackie. "I would but, I'm so busy with...stuff." "Stuff like what?" Asked Jackie. "Stuff like stuff." Said Jamiah. "Mmmhmm." They all said. Angel opened the door behind Jamiah and they all saw Mario on her bed watching t.v. They all gasped. "JAMIAH! DID know?" Asked Somer. "Calm down girls. No we didn't." Said Jamiah. "Yeah." Said Mario. "Shut up Mario. Your the one who has no shirt on." Said Angel. Mario didn't say anything. "What about Troy?" Asked Somer. "Well duhhh, they broke up." Said Angel. "Yeah. We all know Jamiah doesn't cheat." Said Jackie. "Exactly." Said Jamiah. "Pleaseee don't tell Troy." Pleaded Jamiah. "Yeah. At least not yet." Said Mario. "You mean he doesn't know about...this?" Asked Angel. "Not yet." Said Jamiah. "Well you need to tell him sooner or later." Said Jackie. "Yeah I know." Said Jamiah. "Ok. We will tell them he's not here. You two have fun. But not too much fun." Said Somer. She started laughing. "No promises." Said Mario. Jamiah started blushing. "Oooooooo." They all said.They started laughing again. "Bye girls, and thanks." Said Jamiah. "No problem." They all said. They left the dorm and continued to look for Mario.

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