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Jackie texted Jamiah.

Jackie: So when r u and Mario going to move in with each other

Jamiah: What?! How could we? Wouldn't it be suspicious

Jackie: I can take his place, after all, Troy is my cousin. Me and Somer can get into a fake fight and Mario could complain about having not enough space

Jamiah: Wow. U planned this didn't u

Jackie: Yep

Jamiah: What about Liyah

Jackie: She could just watch yall have fun😉😂

Jamiah: JACKIE😂😑

Jackie: Ok ok im srry, we'll she always out anyways right

Jamiah: Yeah I guess

Jackie: Then ok, I talked to Mario about it and he said he's in if u r

Jamiah: Oh ok

Jackie told Somer about the plan. They started yell about how the other doesn't respect their privacy. Everyone could hear them. They all peaked out of their door and looked at their room. "FINE! I'LL JUST MOVE IN WITH MY COUSIN THEN!" Yelled Jackie. "GOOD! I NEVER LIKED YOU IN MY ROOM ANYWAY!" YELLED back Somer. Jackie got her stuff and high fived Somer. She opened the door and slamed the door behind her. "Troy, i'm moving in. Mario GET OUT!" YELLED Jackie. "You can't just do that." Said Troy. "Troy, I am very mad, DO NOT make it worse." Said Jackie. "It's ok man. I'll just go." Said Mario. "You sure?" Asked Troy. "Yeah, it's cool. Hang with your cousin and make her feel better." Said Mario. "Liyah, it worked." Said Jamiah. "Ok, it's go time." Said Liyah. Mario went to Jamiah and Liyah's dorm. Liyah opened the door and went into Somer's dorm. "Guess who's your new roomie." Said Liyah to Somer. "You are." Said Somer. They both high fived each other. "Good acting." Said Liyah. "Thanks." Said Somer. "Wow, we did it." Said Jamiah. "Yeah." Said Mario. They hugged each other and they kissed. "Well start getting comfy." Said Jamiah. "Thanks." Said Mario.

Survivors of High school-Part 2Where stories live. Discover now