Guy talk

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The next day, Troy thought about what Jackie said to him, about needing help. Mabey he still did like Jamiah but just didn't want to admit it. He sent a text to the boys in a group chat.

Troy: Hey guys, srry for acting stupid yesterday

Cory: Ya its cool

Zay: Wht was up with u tho

Mario: Ya man

Troy: Mario, you don't get a say in this so shut up😐

Mario: Wht is ur problem with me

Andrew: He's jealous tht u got a hot chick😉

Mario: R u calling my gf hot😑

Andrew: U know wht i mean

Mario: Ok u just stick to Somer ok

Andrew: Ok Somer is hot too😍 but srry dude😳

Deigo: Jackie is too, dont forget about Jackie😍

Troy: Can all of u shut up

Deigo: Why u saying srry to us

Zay: Ya it should be to Mario and Jamiah

Troy: I want ur help

Troy: Wait no, scratch tht off I NEED ur help

Cory: With wht🤔

Troy: Getting over Jamiah

Mario: I can help with tht

Deigo: Ya i bet u can😂

Troy: From everyone except Mario😑

Mario: Rlly can't we just be cool man

Troy: Oh u want us to share her or sum

Mario: NO of course not why would I want tht

Troy: So can u guys help me or naw

Zay: Ya, I guess we can try, right guys

Cory: Ya sure

Deigo: Ok

Andrew: Ya but u hve to say srry to Mario and Jamiah

Troy: I'll say srry to Jamiah but not Mario😝

Mario: Why not

Troy: Why did u take her away from me, u knee I liked her

Mario: Look man, whts done is done I liked her too and she liked me

Troy: U know, u just wanna get her bck so u can break her heart again💔

Mario: NO i dont, I love her❤

Troy: Sure ok

Deigo: Stop fighting and say srry

Troy: Fine😡 Mario im srry for fighting u for Jamiah

Mario: It's fine bro

Troy: Tell Jamiah I said I'm srry

Mario: Ok, she's with me now

Zay: Do we wanna know wht u guys were doing😏

Mario: Probably not😊

Andrew: Ooooooo😂


Mario: Srry😊

Troy: It's cool

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