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"I pick Liyah's dress." Said Angel. "YYYYAAAASSSS!" Yelled Liyah. "I knew mine was the best." "No it's not it's just the most date appropriate." Said Angel. "What about mine?" Asked Jamiah. "It wasn't really my style..." Said Angel. "HAHA!" Laughed Liyah pointing at Jamiah. Jamiah glared at her. The girls got Angel ready for her date with Trey. Jamiah did Angel's, Jackie did the accessories, and somer did the finishing touches. They all looked at her with amazement. They all gasped. "Ladies, I think we did a great job." Said Jamiah. Angel looked in the mirror. "Wow! I look........amazing!" Said Angel. She ran up to them and said, "OH THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOUUUU! You guys are the best." "We know." Said Somer. Angels phone buzzed. "Hello?" She answered. "Hey Angel. Look, I have to cancel tonight I'm sorry." Said Trey. "What?! Why?!" She asked. "I just remembered I had to go dinner." He said. "Oh." Said Angel disappointed. "Yeah I'm sorry babe. Mabey next time." He said. "Yeah next time." She was sadly. She hung up the phone. Angel started crying. "What's wrong?" Asked Jamiah. "Trey cancelled on me." She said. "What?!" They all said. "How could he?" Asked Liyah. "I'll rip his head off!" Said Somer. "I'll tear him limb from limb." Said Jackie. "I know a guy that could gang up on him." Said Jamiah. "Guys guys it's ok. He's going to his family dinner." Said Angel. "Family dinner?" They all asked. "The fuck???" Said Liyah. "No one forgets their family dinner. That's stupid." Said Jackie. "Unless....." Said Somer. "Unless?" Asked Jackie. "Unless....its an excuse!" Said Jamiah. "What do you mean excuse?" Asked Angel still crying. Jamiah grabbed Liyah, Somer, and Jackie. They gathered in a circle. "Ok now I get what you mean by excuse." Said Somer. "What should we tell her?" Asked Jackie. "Well, we don't know 100% sure if he's seeing another girl. But we need to find out, and fast." Said Jamiah. "So what do we tell Angel?" Asked Somer. "Liyah. Tell her something." Said Jamiah. "Why me?" Asked Liyah. "Because shes wearing your dress. Comgrats!" Said Jamiah sarcastically. "Mmmmm. Fine." Said Liyah. They broke from their circle. "Angel. Trey....."

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