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The boys were planning to meet up at the skate park. "Wuss up guys." Said Andrew. They all hugged each other and high fived and...all that other guy things. "Why are we at the skate park?" Asked Cory. "It helps me release stress." Said Troy. They all gave him a weird look. "I never knew you skateboard." Said Zay. "I can't stay long, I have places to get to." Said Khalil. "Yeah me too." Said Mario. "For Jackie and Jamiah." Said Cory. They both started blushing. "Ooooooooo." They all said. Khalil looked at his watch and he took Mario's arm and dragged him away. "We'll be back later." Said Khalil. They both went to the mall. Mario went into the candy store and bought a big heart full of chocolate and a basket full of strawberries, grapes, pine apples, and other fruits, he also bought a giant teddy bear holding a heart that says I love you. Khalil went into the Adidas and Nike show store. Each shoe has a little heart on the side. He also went into Walmart to buy a giant teddy bear. They both paid for their items and went back to their dorms. It would be easy for Khalil to hide his stuff from Jackie, but it will be hard for Mario to hide his stuff from Jamiah. When Mario got home, Jamiah wasn't there. He stuffed all of the stuff in his side of the closet. He was really tires and hot so he took off his shirt and layed down on visiting bed. Then Jamiah came in. "Oh hey babe." He said. "Hey." She said. They gave each other a peck kiss. She went close to his closet. "Hey Jamiah." He said. "Yeah." She said. "Where were you?" "With the girls. You weren't worried were you?"  "No just wondering." "Ok."

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