Not what it seems

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The Christmas party was almost over and Jackie had waaaay too much to drink. She was acting drunk and dancing in ways she wouldn't normally dance. "Ok someone get Jackie. She's dancing like Jamiah. If not, worse." Said Zay. "Hey!" Said Jamiah. "Its ok. I like how you dance." Said Mario. "Cuz she does it on you." Said Zay. "Shut up." Said Mario. "Yeah I danced with others too." Said Jamiah. "Yeah." Said Somer. "Only little." Said Zay. "Let them dance." Said Angel. "He's only jealous cuz Mario and Shane got babes and he don't." Said Andrew. "Shut up Andrew." Said Zay. Everyone laughed. "I'll take Jackie to her room." Said Shane. "Ooooooooo!" Said Everyone. "Guys!" He said turning red. Jamiah went up to Shane and pulled him by his tie. "No funny business. Jackie wants to take things slow. So don't take advantage of her or else I'll really hurt you." She said. "Im not like Zay. I respect her wishes and wont force her into anything. " Said Shane. "Ok." Said Jamiah letting go of him. He took Jackie's hand and led her to her room.

In Jackie's room

Jackie bursted through the door and landed on the bed. "Good night Jackie." Said Shane. "Wait! Stay for a while." Said Jackie. "Oh! Well, ok." He said. He sat next to her. "You know I love you right?" Asked Jackie. "You know I love you more right?" Asked Shane. He kissed her. She took off his jacket leaving on his shirt and tie. "Jackie what are you doing?" He asked. "Shhhh. Its ok." Said Jackie. She kissed him again. "Jackie your drunk." He said. "Im not drunk. Im just in love. With you." She said. "Im not gonna let you do something you will regret." He said. Jackie laughed. "I dont want you to have that with me." She said. " don't?" He asked confused. "No. I wanna take things slow remember?" "Ok then." He kissed her and rubbed her arms. "Your hands are warm." Said Jackie. They looked at each other and laughed. He then kissed her neck then went back to her lips.

Back at the party

"Im gonna go get a drink." Said Jamiah. "Ok." Said Mario. "If u let her drink, she'll end up like Jackie." Said Zay. "You know Jamiah is waaay worse." Joked Liyah. She went over to the drink station. While she was pouring her drink, someone tapped her on her shoulder. When she turned around, the person's lips crashed onto hers. She thought it was Mario because anyone who's anyone wouldn't dare to kiss her unless they didn't know about her and Mario. But she noticed that the lips kissing hers weren't familiar. Mario looked over and saw them. He walked over but Jamiah didn't see. Before he could come over, she got her drink and spilled it all over the person's shirt. Mario stopped where he was. "Your not Mario." She said. She slapped him then walked away. "Mario?!" She said in shock. He walked outside of the gym. Jamiah raced after him. "Mario." She said. He kept walking. She ran in front of him. "Mario can u just stop and listen?" She asked. "Listen to what?" Asked Mario. "HE kissed ME." She said. "Yeah and you kissed him back. For a little while too." He said in anger. "I thought it was you!" She said trying not to cry. Mario noticed the tears in her eyes. He gave her a hug. "Look, don't cry. I hate to see you cry." He said. As strong as Jamiah was, she is only human. She hugged Mario back, crying a little. "I just, can't stand someone else's lips on yours." Said Mario. Mario lifted up her chin and kissed her. She kissed him back. "Mario, I only love you." Said Jamiah. "I know Jamiah. I love you. So fucking much." They kissed again. That was the end of the night at the party.

Author's note: hey guys! This chapter was requested and I do requests so if u have any just comment. This story is almost done, just like 2-4 chapters left so comment quick. My next book is gonna be called "survivors of college" I know they are just in their first year of High school, but time goes on and years good by so....yeah. Keep reading and voting. Love u guys.

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