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Jackie went to look for Deigo to talk to him. She looked for him in his dorm room. Before she knocked on the door, she heard yelling and ooo's. She was wondering what they were doing. She knocked on the door and Deigo answered it. "Hey Jackie." He said. "Umm Hey Deigo." She said back. "Sup Jackieeee!" Yelled Cory from behind. "Hey Cory." Said Jackie. Jackie came into their room. She looked at the t.v. screen and saw them playing a video game. "Am I interrupting something?" Asked Jackie. "Naw your good." Said Deigo. "Can we talk alone?" Asked Jackie. "Oh umm, yeah sure." Said Deigo. He led her to a room. "So what's up?" Asked Deigo. Jackie took a deep breath. "I like you." Said Jackie. Deigo's mouth hung open. Jackie started blushing but not in a good way. "Wow um, I like you too." Said Deigo. "No I mean like, more than a friend." Said Jackie. "I know. Me too." Said Deigo. They both started blushing. "Wow. We like each other." Said Jackie. "Yeah. But I don't want this to change anything." Said Deigo. "Same. Let's just stay as friends and see where that leads us." Said Jackie. "Ok." Said Deigo. They hugged and Jackie went out of the dorm.

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