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Somer started popping the popcorn, Zay got the drinks, and Jackie put the movie in. They were going to watch "The Fantastic Four". Jamiah got out her phone and started doing a video. "Hey guys! Welcome back to Aye Its Jays World 101. Today, i'm here with my squad." Said Jamiah. She showed the camera to everyone and they all said hi. "We are going to be watching Fantastic Four. We got Angel, Somer, Jackie, Liyah, Zay, Cory, Deigo, Andrew, and Mario." She continued. Andrew turned of the lights. "Shhhhh." They all told Jamiah. "Wow. You too Troy?" Asked Jamiah. "Sorry." He said. "Anyways, the movie is starting." Whispered Jamiah. Jamiah taped the whole movie. Somer looked at Jamiah's phone every once in a while during the movie. "So how many subscribers do you have?" Asked Somer. "10,000." Said Jamiah. "Daaaaaaaang." Said Somer. "Everyone at school follows me and some of their friends who don't go to this school." Said Jamiah. "Wow." Said Somer. Zay ate most of the popcorn. "Wow bruh," Said Cory. Zay laughed. "What? I'm hungry." Said Zay. "Yeah let the boy eat." Said Angel. "Yeah! Thanks Angel." Said Zay. "No problem." Said Angel. "Ummm, Jackie." Said Deigo. "Yeah." Said Jackie. "Nevermind." He said. "You already have my attention so tell me." Said Jackie. Mario noticed them talking so he pushed Deigo into Jackie. "O...M...G..." Said Liyah. They all looked at them and Jackie and Deigo stopped kissing. "That was only for like 5 seconds." Said Liyah. "What just happened?" Asked Somer. "Nothing." Said Jackie and Deigo at the same time. They both started blushing. "Ooooooo." They all said. Jamiah got it all on tape, except the part when they kissed because she didn't see it. "Lets...get back to the movie." Said Jackie. "Yeah good idea." Said Deigo. They both started at the screen and watched the t.v. "Jackie, come with me." Said Somer. They went into the bathroom. "What the heck is wrong with you?" Somer asked. "What?" Asked Jackie. "You can't just kiss your soul mate and act like it never happened." "He's not my soul mate." Said Jackie. She tried to leave but Somer put her arm in front of the door. "Next time, go for it...don't act like it never happened. Promise me you'll do that." She said. Jackie looked at her for a second. "Ok, I promise." Said Jackie. Then they both came out the door. "Annnnnnd that's a rap. I'm Jamiah Mark and this is Aye
Its Jays World 101. Untill next time guys. PEACE!" Said Jamiah. She uploaded the video on YouTube and already started getting views and likes and comments. "Dang. It's only been less than a minute and you already have 50 likes!" Said Cory. "Yeah. I'm good like that." Said Jamiah.

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