Finish what we started

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Cory texted Jackie to see if she wanted to start over their "hangout". She said sure. This time, they went to Tropical Smoothie. They went up to the counter to order their smoothies. A girl named Caroline took their order. Jackie ordered a strawberry lemonade and sunrise sunset. Deigo ordered chocolate orange monkey. "There you go." Said Caroline. "Thanks. You look really young." Said Jackie. Deigo gently kicked her under the table. "You don't say that to someone." He said. "It's ok. I'm in High school and my parents are forcing me to work here." Said Caroline. "We're in high school too." Said Deigo. "Cool. What high school?" Asked Caroline. "The one right down the street." Said Jackie. "SAME!" Yelled Caroline. "CAROLINE! BACK TO WORK!" Yelled the boss. "Yes Sir. Sorry Sir." Said Caroline. "Well bye guys. Here's my number if yall wanna hang sometime." Said Caroline. "CAROLINE!" Yelled the boss. "Coming Sir." She said. "Did you hear about Liyah and Keyshan?" Asked Deigo. "What about them?" Asked Jackie. "Their a thing now, their dating." He said. "EEEEEEEEEKKKKKKK kk! I KNEW THEY WOULD BE TOGETHER SOMEDAY!" Yelled Jackie. "Hey! Keep it down, customers....are.....COMPLAINING!" Yelled the boss. "Sorry." Said Jackie. Jackie and Deigo laughed historically. "When did this start?" She asked. "Yesterday. He asked HER and she said yes." He said. "Awwwwww." Said Jackie. They talked some more about other things. Like always, they had a fun time together and enjoyed each other's company. In my opinion, they need to date. Lol!

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