what a night

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Later that day, Jackie went over to Shane's house. Shane answered the door. "Hey Jackie." He said. "Hey. I didn't see anyone is the drive through so I thought no one was home." She said. "Oh, my parents are out. They just lef 22ndt actually. Come on in." He said. They went upstairs to his room and sat on his bed. They watched tv, played some games and talked about everything that's been going on. "Hey. I can tell your future." Said Shane. "OH really? How?" Asked Jackie. "Give me your hand." He said. She gave him her hand and be held it.

As I held her hand, my eyes closed so I can picture this moment forever. I was also pretending to read her future. "What does it say?" She asked me. I had to come clean. I don't know anything about telling the future and I can't, I won't lie to her....ever. "Actually.....I just wanted to hold your hand." I said blushing. She started blushing too. I smiled at her and she smiled back.

When I saw him smile, it made me smile. "Jackie." He said moving his face towards mine. I backed up a little because I didn't know what he was trying to do. Was he trying to kiss me?! He saw me lean back and stopped. He rubbed the back of his neck. "I...Im sorry I don't know what came over me." He said. "It's ok. I'm just, not ready for that yet." I said. "Oh ok." He said looking sad. I felt bad. The rest of the night, he was quiet. We just watched tv. I was getting kinda bored so I made an exuse to leave. "I have to go. It was fun hanging with you." I said with a fake smile. "Yeah, I guess. Bye." He said. I can tell he was still kinda hurt. I was scared to do it but, I gave him a peck on his cheek and left.

SHANE'S P.O.V: When she gave me that kiss, my whole world changed. After she left, I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. "Ouch!" I screamed. I wasn't! I wasn't dreaming! She actually kissed me. I feel like a little girl when she gets the most adorable puppy ever. But I am NOT going to squeal. That's a little too far. I went to bed happy, knowing that I might have a chance to make her happy, a chance to protect her, a chance to be with her.

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