Choices made

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Jamiah went to find Jackie to talk to her. She met Jackie walking around the soccor feild thinking about talking to Deigo. "Mind if I walk with you?" Asked Jamiah. "Sure." Said Jackie. They continued to walk around the feild. "Why are you out here?" Asked Jamiah. "I'm thinking." Said Jackie. "About...?" Asked Jamiah. "If Deigo likes me, and if he does would we make a good couple?" Asked Jackie. "I think he does like you." Said Jamiah. "So does Somer. Jamiah he kissed me." Said Jackie. "WHAT!?!? FOR REAL???" Asked Jamiah in excitement. Jackie nodded her head. "YEP! He likes you." Said Jamiah. "Then why doesn't he ask me out?" Asked Jackie. "Either he's scared or he's just waiting for the right time." Said Jamiah. "Well, why are you out here?" Asked Jackie. "I'm confused." Said Jamiah. "About....?" Asked Jackie. "I'm with Troy, but I think im still in love with Mario." Said Jamiah. "Oh." Said Jackie. "He kissed me. I didn't want him to stop but I didnt want to cheat on Troy." Said Jamiah. "Oh wow." Said Jackie. "Who should I choose?" Asked Jamiah. "Well, to be honest I think you should go back to Mario." Said Jackie. "Just like Liyah, and I think you should tell Deigo how you feel." Said Jamiah. "Ok." Said Jackie. "Ok, but what about Troy?" Asked Jamiah. "I guess you'll have to break up with him." Said Jackie. "This is going to be hard." Said Jamiah. "But I'll do it." She continued.

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