You're a Fighter- Demon Dean

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"Hey! Dean Winchester, right?" I asked to the man standing before me. I was a hunter, but he was a legend. I couldn't believe he was hanging around my neck of the woods. We'd met once before because of Bobby, but this was different.

"In the flesh."

There was something... different about him. He seemed more flirty. More distant. Less compassionate. Then again, last time we met, he was with family. This might be what he's like around normal folk.

"What're you doing in my neck of the woods?"

I had a goofy grin on my face. I don't know why, but I felt nervous talking to him. He was very close. And very attractive.

"Came by to see you, actually," he flirted with a smirk.

"Oh?" I asked, his answer catching me a bit off guard.

"Yeah," he continued. "Sammy is off on a hunt, and I needed to get away for a bit. I suppose you know something fun to do around here?"

"A few things," I continued with a smile. "You're staying in a hotel, right?" He nodded. "Not anymore. Grab your things. I got a guest room."

He smirked and we left the bar for his motel. His car was beautiful, but I drove myself to the bar, so I had to take my own to get there. We picked up his things, and again I noticed something odd. There was someone else in his room. Someone who wasn't his brother. I got out of my car, tired of waiting.

"Who's this?"

Dean was startled by my sudden closeness. He apparently hadn't heard me coming toward him and the strange man with an accent.

"Squirrel, did you pick up another one?! You know we share this room, right? I don't need you messing around while I'm stuck with you. Anyway, we have business to attend to. Hello, darling," he finished, looking toward me. I was a bit thrown off by his sudden change in mood.

"Crowley, like I told you, we're done negotiating. I'm getting out of your hair. You should be glad. (Y/N)'s agreed to take me while I'm in town. It's not you. It's me," he ended, laughing bitterly.

This Crowley glared after Dean as he led me back to the car. We continued to my house and I helped him bring in his things.

"Anything else you need?" I asked him, about to go to the kitchen.

"One more thing," he said as he hit me over the head with his gun. I dropped to the floor unconscious and in pain.

When I woke up, I was strapped down in a chair in my living room. There was a gag in my mouth and Dean stood before me, holding a kitchen knife in his hands. He had laid out a few more knives on the table in front of him. As soon as he noticed I was up, he took a step closer to me.

"Rise and shine, princess. We've got a bright day ahead of us. I wouldn't want you to miss the fun."

He dragged the knife down my cheek, causing a burning pain. He stepped back to admire his work.

"Now, you're going to cooperate, or I'll do that again. I know you've still been hunting in the area. I know you know where I can find some angels. Put two and two together. I need information," he growled slinging the knife dangerously close to my face.

I looked to the side, an indication that he wasn't going to get information out of me willingly. He smirked and brought his face dangerously close to mine.

"You're a fighter. I like that."

He blinked and his eyes flashed black. My eyes widened in fear and shock. He took this opportunity of me being off guard and slashed my other cheek.

I wanted to scream in pain, but I held back all emotion. I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction. He sighed, a bit frustrated.

"Would taking off the gag help?" He asked rhetorically, ripping the gag away from my face.

I spit at his face. He roared with anger and stabbed the knife into my thigh. I had to bite my lip hard to keep from making any sound. Tears fell from my eyes.

"I'm starting to break you. I just need to keep being patient. But I am on a time crunch here, (Y/N). Tick tock. You'll be dead tomorrow anyway," he finished, twisting the knife. I did scream out in pain this time. He smirked, knowing he was slowly breaking me.

"What do you have to say to that one, (Y/N)?"

"I say go fuck yourself, Dean Winchester."

He stepped toward me again with the knife. He just stuck the tip of the knife where he had jammed it before and re carved that wound. He knew that it would make me scream.

I was forced to go through this torture for the rest of the day. He seemed to love hurting me. He was enjoying this so much. I kept telling myself that this was just a demon. That Dean wouldn't really do this. I wasn't so sure.

I was slowly being drained from loss of blood, and it was  only a matter of time before I dropped. Dean was out of the room when my front door burst open. He had replaced the gag on my mouth and made sure I couldn't scream for help. Sam and another man rushed into my house. Sam immediately noticed me and rushed over to help. He could see I was swaying a bit from blood loss and helped me up carefully. The other man was attempting to hold Dean.

"I'll get him set up at the bunker, Sam," the dark-haired man said. Then he just disappeared in mid-air, similar to the way a demon teleports.

"I'll fix you up. It's been a while, (Y/N)," Sam chuckled nervously. He had gotten out my med kit and was stitching and bandaging my leg and face. He laid me out on the couch and sat by me for a few minutes, making sure I didn't die.

"I have to go. I'm sorry, but you saw Dean. I need to help Cas fix him. He's in a bad place. I'll come back and check on you. I'll bring you some food and water before I go. Do you need anything else?" Sam asked, standing up to go get what I needed. I shook my head no and let him go. I didn't see the Winchesters again for a while after Sam left.

Sorry everything has been so bad recently. And short. I've been in a bit of a time crunch recently and trying to get as much done as quickly as possible. Hope this was decent.

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