2.1 This Has to be a joke!

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I stared in awe at the man. Short brown hair, brown vest and white long sleeved shirt go on top of grey pants. His blue eyes were brought out by this brown stubble of a beard.

"Bates?! What are you doing at my house?" Shouldn't he be at the school? Or police station looking for us? And why isn't he surprised to see me? Surprised that I was out of the bush, well and Alive?

Maybe he was just checking up on my mum or something?

Bates arched an eyebrow at me, "Excuse young lady, this is my house and I wish to know why you're standing in front of it." His voice was stern, and demanding.

"Young lady? Bates what's up with you?

"State your business or leave." He said in a flat tone.

"Cleo! Jade! Paige! Mum! What's going on?!" I shout moving closer towards the door but Bates raises a hand to stop me from going in.

"I will not hesitate to call the police. Leave the premises immediately!"

My chest became tight, and I could feel the panic in the back of my throat. "Bates! It's me! Allie! I just spent the night in a forest on a school trip you organised with the other boys! Why are you acting like this?!" Tears threatened to leave my eyes, so I bit my lip and swallowed hard.

"That's it!" He says about to turn away from the door, but I swallow hard.

"I'm sorry. Im just a bit confused...I-I'll go." My voice was shaking, and tears were forming as I walked down the driveway, holding my arms close to my chest.

"I hope I never see you back on my premises!" I only dared to look back when I heard the door shut.

A tear slid down my cheek and hit the side walk. Was this some cruel joke on me? Because it's not funny.

"What the hell!" I growl kicking a rock further down the road.

My breathing became quicker, as I walked up the driveway across the street, to Mrs Walkers house. She'd known my family for years, maybe she has some idea as to why Mr Bates is in my house and why my family isn't there. Her husband was the same, his name Tyson, and her name is Hannah. An old couple with Japanese heritage.

I found her working in her garden, planting new carnations. "Mrs Walker?" I say sweetly as I walk up the driveway.

She turned to face me with a hint of surprise on her face, "Oh hello dearie." She sweetly smiled.

"Mrs Walker, do you know what's going on with Mr Bates? And why he's in my house?"

She turned to me surprised, "Darling, Mr Bates and his wife have been living there for the past six years."

"Six years? How can that be?" Once my jaw closed, I clenched it so hard. We bought that house six years ago! That's when we moved in! Just a few months after the fire! We lived there!

I walked out of that house this morning! I made breakfast and lunch in that house! I've lived there for who knows how long!

And since when did Bates have a wife??

"Mrs Walker, do you know who I am?" This was the best question I could ask. Bates acted as if he never knew me. Maybe he was just confused, or that it was some sort of cruel joke!

A small smile appeared on her face, "Why, you do look awfully familiar," it then quickly faded, "but I do not know you. Even though I would love to." She smiled hopefully.

"You don't?" The tight feeling in my chest returned. "My Name is Allie Winters I have three sisters. The twins Cleo and Jade, and then a younger sister called Paige. We lived with my mum, Jamie." I say, hoping that will jog her memory but to no prevail.

She smiled, rising from her crouched position holding a hand for me to shake, "oh how lovely! Have you only recently moved to Bremin?" She asked curiously. There was a slight hint of recognition in her eyes.

"I-I..." My voice shook once again, leaving it hard for words to escape. "We are..." Is all I could muster out. "I'll leave you to it.

"Thank you dear! It was a pleasure meeting you!" She called as I walked down the driveway.

"You too." I quickly mutter before my view of her was blocked by the trees.

What the hell??? What the absolute hell?? I can't believe that just happened!!

Out of the Woods - (Nowhere Boys Fanfiction) - Jake x OcWhere stories live. Discover now