5.1 The Breakfast of Champions

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Andy ran out to save her and I stopped on the spot, hands going to my mouth in a gasp. My stomach dropped and all the guys stood beside me, the same panic on their faces.

He bravely rushed in front of the bus grabbing he girl out of the way, and the bus skidded to a stop with a screech.

Felix, Sam and Jake all began running over to check if Andy was alright, I followed shortly after, shaking myself free from it.

The boys began to bombard the two with questions.

"Are you alright?"

"What happened?"

"Are you hurt?"

I sighed, "Thank god you're alright." It was Ellen. Ellen almost got hit by that bus...and Andy just saved her life.

"You just saved my life." She turns to Andy in disbelief, but she has that star struck look in her eyes.

The bus driver jumps out of his vehicle and walks over to us, "What the hell were you doing, son?" He growls at Andy.

And got defensive, "You almost hit her."

Everyone was staring at us, so we thought we should leave. "Come on." Jake says taking off.

Sam helps up Andy, and we all run off with Ellen and Andy exchanging a small goodbye with one another.

After we made it back further into he bush, we all stopped panting.

I threw my arms around him, hugging him tightly. "Oh my god Andy..." I pulled away from the hug, hitting him on the arm, "What were you thinking!?"

He held his arm in pain, "ow, what was that for?"

I raised an eyebrow, "What was that for?! You tried to jump in front of a bus! That's what for!"

"I didn't end up doing it." He defends himself and I huff and fold my arms.

"I know."

Jake smirks, "Calm down mum, lets go."

I sighed, "Don't call me mum."

"You just scolded him like he's your child." Sam laughs, and I roll my eyes.

"So am I not allowed to be worried about him?" I snap walking back to our little shack, before turning to add one more thin, "You guys suck you know that?"

Why was I so angry over that? I'm not really sure. They were just playing around, having a spot of fun. Andy was fine after all, and better yet, he doesn't seem like he's going to jump in front of another bus...well, I hope at least.


The next morning I woke up first. All night I kept seeing that spiral patten, the altar in the middle of the forest... the whispering voice. All of it just kept annoying me, playing in a loop over and over again.

That haunting voice...I don't know why but I knew it. I knew it from somewhere...a long time ago.

Or at least I thought I did. It was all whisper like and it could honestly have sounded like anyone.

Outside the shack was calm, and no signs of anything threatening. That's really comforting to know that actually.

The trees all sprung to life when I was out there, with the wind fluttering through. They felt like they were calling to me, sending whispers through the air.

That's something I always believed as a kid, that the trees could speak to me, and that plants could understand me. I mean, I probably sound crazy talking like that but I mean, I was a kid. Who could blame me?

I just had to sit down and take it all in. It's like my gaze was just locked with the tree line, before i laid down, feeling like i should go back to sleep. Thoughts running through my head. You know, like where the hell is my family? My sisters exist, but I seem to not have...Which is basically the same for Jake, and we'll, the rest of the boys .

But where are they?

"Did you sleep walk out here?" The sun blocked out, and all I could see was Jake's head.

I let off a sigh, "No, I walked while I was very awake." Walked out of my sight, letting the light shine in my eyes, and I hiss, "Ow!" I cover my eyes.

"Sorry, I didn't realise you were the princess of vampires." He bowed in a mocking way.

I got to my feet, "Did I mention that I hate you?"

He smirked, "I believe you've said it a few times." He walked inside the shack before sticking his head back out the door, "Oh by the way, there's porridge."

I stood there for a moment, thinking about how on earth he could have made porridge? And without me noticing too?

I wonder how dead to the world I was?

Curious, I head back to the shack door, looking inside to find all the boys up and awake. Jake, Sam and Andy were all around the makeshift table, with a pot of porridge.

Felix was off in the corner, head buried in his hands. Was he ok?

"This porridge is gross!" Andy turns up his nose at what was in the bowl. It hardly looked like porridge, it just looked like white slop.

Jake rolled his eyes, "Oh, poor baby"

I looked at the bowl that was set up for me. There was the tiniest amount of porridge in it. I really wasn't hungry for it...even though I should be. I didn't eat the Chinese food we had not last night but the night before. And the random free lollies that they have around in shops aren't really enough to keep me a float.

Andy huffs, "But it's not even cooked."

Jake smirked, "Harden up, Andy, porridge is the breakfast of champions."

I rolled my eyes, "We are probably going to die if we eat this." I was half playful and half serious.

"Oh, a raw food movement, cool!" Sam smiles, taking another bite of porridge from his cup.

Felix sat upright, and our eyes locked. He was in pain, and worried about something...but then it snapped, and he was back to stone cold Felix.

He marched over to our table and looked in the pot, "There's nothing left." Felix was annoyed, huffing and grabbing his stuff from around the room.

"You snooze, you lose."

He growls, "Thanks a lot, so-called friends."

Sam laughed taking another bite, "You're welcome, freak."

I glare at Sam, and he cowered a little but he wasn't all that phased.

Felix was tho, "Will you stop calling me 'freak'?"

Everyone spoke together, "No."

Felix huffed and walked out the door.

"Felix!" I call out running after him out the door, making sure I had my bowl in hand. "Here, take this."

He looked at me curiously, "Really?" Before his stomach growled at him. "Are you sure?"

I nod, suppressing the urge I have to eat it myself. "Yeah man."

He smiled at me, "Thanks."

Out of the Woods - (Nowhere Boys Fanfiction) - Jake x OcWhere stories live. Discover now