Guilty Feelings

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Naomi P.O.V


Finally school is over and I can talk to Troy. I haven't spoken or seen him after I left the party. I guess he had something to do or has been dealing with the headaches after the party, I mean he really knows how to party and throw one. I walked out my last period class and starting walking to my locker but then I saw Holly. I ran to her and tapped her shoulder, she turned around and smiled, but it wasn't one of her good smiles

"Hey Naomi what's up?" she asked and I smiled.

"Nothing, I just wanted to see you, after the party I didn't get to see you much. Are you okay?" I asked and she nodded.

"I'm okay don't worry about it." We were still talking when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around and saw Jason, a guy from the baseball team. Jason was really attractive, he has dirty blonde hair and gorgeous bright green eyes. He was at least 6'1 and had a killer smile with adorable dimples.

"Hey Jason what's up." I said and he smiled nervously.

"I was wondering do you have anything to do this weekend?" he asked.

"Yeah I am so busy this weekend. Why?"

"Well I kinda wanted to take you on a date." he said and scratched the back of his head.

"Oh I'm sorry maybe next time." I said and he nodded. He waved good bye and walked away.

"Why did you lay him off, Jason is cute."

"Yeah he is but not my type. And I still like Troy " I said and her face dropped. But she quickly smiled again.

"Oh well talk to him." She suggested and I nodded.

She gathered all her stuff and we walked to Liam's car. He was standing there, leaning on his car on his phone.  His hair was styled but messy at the same time. He arms were flexed, showing off his muscles and his brown eyes were shinning in the sun light. He looked really sexy, really  sexy.

Once we walked over there Liam put his phone away. "Hey you guys ready to go?" he asked and I nodded. Holly got in the back seat and I sat next beside her so I can talk to her. Liam started the car and we were off to my house. Once we got to my house Liam parked in his drive way and me and Holly walked through the lawn and went inside my house.

My house was quiet and my mom and dad were at work and wouldn't be home until late tonight. I walked upstairs and into my room with Holly following close behind me. I wanted to call Troy and see what he was doing because I wanted to go see him. So I picked up my phone and dialed Troy's number. The phone rang three times then he picked up.

"Hello?" He said.

"Hey Troy it's me Naomi, are you busy?" I asked hopefully.

"Actually no, what's up?" He said cheerfully.

"Can I come over so we can talk?"

"Sure the front door would be open so its come in." He said.

"Okay, do your mind if I bring a friend with me?" I asked and he got quiet. There was a lot of noise in background and I couldn't hear Troy.

"Hello Troy are you there?" I asked.

"Yeah sorry my tv was turned up really high, but sure you can bring a friend." He said and I smiled.

"Thanks Troy, see you soon."

"Okay bye." He said.

"Bye." I said and hung up. I put my phone in my pocket and walked out my house with Holly following behind me. Troy's house wasn't far from mine, so I could just walked to his house. Once we got there the door was open and we just walked right in. I walked upstairs and walked in Troy's room. He was sitting on his bed watching tv.

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