Happy Birthday Naomi and Liam

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Naomi P.O.V

The first week of school was amazing. I met a group of girls and had fun with Liam' friends. Today was me and Liam's birthday and I got up real early to make us a birthday breakfast. I was almost done when Liam came downstairs with a little red box in his hands. When I was done cooking I put our food on plates and sat them down on the table.

"Happy birthday Liam." I said and hugged him.

"Happy birthday Naomi." he hugged me back.

"So tonight I was wondering would you like a party?" I asked and he smiled.

"Sure the whole school can come since I'm friends with most of them." he said and I nodded.

"Also I have a present for you." he said putting the little red box on the table and sliding it over to me." I grabbed it and looked at him.

"Just opened it I'm not proposing or anything." he said and I opened it revealing a small heart necklace that's said 'love beyond words'. I took it out the box and gave it to Liam to put it on. I held my hair and he put it on me. I barely could say anything because there was nothing to say. I just hugged him tight and he hugged me back.

I didn't notice I was crying until Liam pulled back and wiped my eyes.

"Liam this is beautiful thank you." I said and he nodded.

"Ok Nay let's go or the bus will leave us." He said and we quickly ate and grabbed our bags going to the bus stop and getting on the school bus. Once we got on the school my friends Amber, Olive and China started gave me a bone crushing hugs.

"Happy birthday Naomi." China and Olive yelled at the same time earning a few looks from other students. Oh yeah I forgot to mention, Olive and China are twins but not identical twins.

"Happy birthday Naomi." Amber said quietly.

"Thanks guys." I said.

"So what are you doing for your birthday?" the twins asked.

"I don't know really tonight I'm throwing a party for Liam cause today is also his birthday so I might just make the party about us." I said and they all gasped.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You guys were born on the same day and your best friends. You guys were most definitely made for each other." they screamed.

"And speaking of Liam did he get you that?" Amber asked pointing to my necklace. I looked down at it and smiled.

"Yeah he gave it to me when we were eating breakfast." I said and they sighed in awe.

"You two are made for each other." Amber said. I rolled my eyes and the bus picked up a few more students before pulling up in front of the school. We got off the bus and walked inside the school and like always all the boys were starring at me.

I walked to my locker and put the books I didn't need in it and closed it.

The twins ran off to talk to some other girls so it was just me and Amber. I turned to her and see her looking at Stephen dreamily. I waved my hand in front of her face and called her name three times but she still didn't stop looking at Stephen. I clapped my hands and she blinked a couple of times and looked at me sheepishly.

"Sorry I was day dreaming."

"Yeah I know. I saw you starring at Stephen. Do you like him or something?" I asked and she nodded slowly.

"I liked him since freshman year but never really talked to him. The only time I talk to him is in our Drama class but other then that I don't talk to him at all." she said.

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