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Serena's POV

I sat in my desk chair, attempting to complete my homework from my first day of Senior Year. Again. Lately, I haven't had any warning signs, which is a good thing. Maybe I can actually attend a full year of high school, and not get held back another year. I've considered just dropping out of school completely, but what good would that do? Sure it would give me more time to help people, but what's good of going to high school if you leave without a diploma?
I sighed, and continued my work. Minutes later, I hear a slight knock at my door and I knew it was my mom. If it was my father, he would've just walked right in.
"Coming!" I said, setting my pencil down before getting up from my desk chair. I walked to the door, and opened it to see my smiling mother. But her smile soon faded. She pushed me into my room gently, and shut the door behind her, making sure to lock it.
"What's going on?" I asked. She didn't answer. She grabbed a handheld mirror from my dresser, and held it up so I can see my reflection. Instantly, I noticed the symbols that had appeared on both sides of my neck. On my right, there were three spirals connected to each other in the centre, and on my left there was a circle with a smaller circle in the middle.
"A warning sign." I whispered, touching the marks.
"I thought we were done with these signs!" My mother whispered, but loudly. Which kind of bet the purpose.
"I can't control it!" I protested, inspecting the markings again. She sighed and ran a hand through her hair.
"What is your father going to say?!" She asked worriedly. My father is not a gullible man. He does not believe in Magic, or supernatural creatures. Even if his daughter is one. Whenever these marks appear, he gets mad, says I'm seeking attention, and I should stop with my "supernatural bullshit".
"Nothing. Because he won't know." I said, sitting back down on my desk chair.
She began to whisper/yell again. "You know those things only-"
"Disappear when I complete the task they've given me." I finished her sentence. "I am aware." I added, with an eye roll.
Markings only began to appear on my skin last year. But they are only the start. Then, I start to day dream. I begin to hallucinate things in the middle of broad day. Lastly, I begin to talk in my sleep, sometimes I even grab a pencil and write or draw it out. All of these phases are clues to people I need to help. It's my purpose. But the people I help aren't normal people, they are supernatural creatures. Like me. It's why I was put on earth, to guard the supernatural. There are only a few like me on earth. I bet my dad wishes I came with a warning sign when they adopted me...
"Have you had any weird dreams?" My mother asked. The moment she asked the question, it's as if she triggered something in my mind. I dashed for my notebook and a pencil, before I began to vigorously draw on a blank page. I tried to get down every detail, so that I wouldn't forget his face again. Finally, the finished product. I lifted the drawing, and saw that it was a person. A male, who looks about my age. He had the features of a human skull drawn on his face, and wore a sweater with a black tee-shirt. I set the drawing down on my desk, before I heard a whisper echo in my mind.
The Phantom Killer.

The Phantom Killer

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