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Derek Hale's POV

"Are you seriously going to watch America's Next Top Model for the whole day?!" I asked my ignorant ass-hole of an uncle.
"Are you seriously going to be grumpy for the whole day? Oh, my bad. That's just you." He answered from the couch, turning his head to give me a sly smirk. I rolled my eyes, standing up from my seat on the stairs.
I had been thinking about these dreams I kept having about this girl. First, I was in a store at a mall with her. Well...not exactly with her. It's like she was in the change room of the store and I was stuck in the mirror, and I was trying to tell her something, but I don't remember what.
The second dream I had, was recent. I appeared in her bathroom while she was showering. She screamed, and I abruptly woke up.
I had been trying to remember crucial details about the dream, but all I can remember are faces or bits and pieces.
"Why don't you go out and get a lady?" Peter shouted, waking me from my thoughts.
"Says the man who stalked Lydia Martin when she was in High school." I retorted.
He groaned, turning to look at me again. "I told you, it was because-" he paused. "Whatever, I've explained it enough times." He turned back around to face the tv and laid his attention back on the show.
As I was about to walk up the stairs of my loft, I heard a loud knock at my door. I sighed, walking over to the large entrance.
"Ohh, is that your lady friend? Just on time!" Peter exclaimed in sarcasm, laughing slightly. I ignored his teasing, before unlocking the door and sliding it open.
As the door moved out of my way, my eyes landed on a teenage girl.
Not just any teenage girl, but the one from my dream.
"Don't you think she's a bit young?" Said my uncle from directly behind me. I hadn't even noticed he approached.
"Hey Derek, this is my friend." Scott said from behind the girl. I ignored him, my eyes focusing on what's on her neck. It seemed to be two symbols. Familiar ones.
Then I realized.
The symbol on the right side of her neck was the exact same as the one on the centre of my back. The Hale pack. And the one on her left side, was the same as on Scott's arm. The McCall pack.
"Aw, you guys have matching tattoos already!" Peter clapped his hands. "Literal goals." He grinned, before walking back over to the couch and falling onto it, back first.
"Uh, come in." I offered, stepping aside so the group can enter. Scott, Lydia, Malia and the stranger entered the loft before I slid the door closed, locking it.
"Derek, this is Serena." He introduced the small blonde.
The moment that name left his lips, I began to get this feeling of a memory that I can't quite put my finger on.
"Serena? That sounds...familiar." I mumble.
"She said she needed to find you. We think she might be, related to you..." Lydia explained. My eyes left the strawberry-blonde and landed on the golden-haired girl again.
"Why would you think that?" I ask them.
"Because she told us about the visions she's had. She saw you." Malia explained.
My eyebrows lifted. "Wait, visions? You had visions too?" I asked the girl.
"You've been having them as well?" She asked me, which answers the question.
"What if you guys are related? What is he, your brother or something?" Scott asked. The girl shrugged, and I thought for a second.
"There's one way to find out. Scott can enter our minds and dig into our memories." I suggested.

Serena and I sat on the couch, side by side. Peter, Lydia and Malia all stood in front of us, watching, as Scott stood behind us.
"Okay, Serena...basically how this works is, I stick my claws into the back of your necks and I can see your memories that you might not remember. I can surface them, so not only I can see them but you guys can remember them as well." He explained from behind us. The girl beside me nodded slightly.
"Okay..." he mumbled, before gently pressing his werewolf claws to the back of our necks.
"Three, two..." before he can even make it to one, I felt a sharp pain in my neck and suddenly my whole body tensed. My eyes shut instantly.

I was in the house that I thought I'd never be in again.
I look around my old home, and admired how it looked before it was burnt.
Suddenly, I heard screaming coming from outside.
I ran to the front door, opening it to see a little blonde girl being pried from the hands of my mother.
"Hey! Leave her alone!" I shouted, not even acknowledging my mother, who in reality, is dead. I felt the need to help the girl, who looked around the age of four.
"Derek!" My mother shouted from behind, but I jumped at the man who had his hand around the arm of the little girl. "It's for the best!"  My mom continued to shout, and I felt her hand wrap around my wrist. He yanked me from the man, who continued to pull the screaming girl. Finally, he picked her up and put her in the strange black car.
"We aren't safe with her here." My mother whispered, patting down my black hair with her hand softly. But I didn't appreciate her comforting gesture.
"How could you?!" I shout at my mother.
"Derek!" The girl yelled, before the car door shut and the man climbed into the drivers seat. As the car started, I couldn't bare watching her leave. I wiggled myself free from my mothers grip, and chased after the car that had began to move. The blonde girl watched from the back window as I ran after the car, but it sped up and was gone.
I felt a tear run down my cheek as I whispered: "I love you, Serena."

I awoke with the pain of Scott's claws exiting their newly-made holes in my neck. I gasped, my tense body relaxing slightly.
The memory of what I just visioned flooded back, and I began to remember everything. Not only Serena being taken, but why as well.
Serena and I shared a look of despair and sadness, before she leaned over and hugged me tightly. She began to cry into my shoulder, and I felt my eyes water.
We pulled away from the embrace seconds later when Peter began demanding answers.
"Well, what is she?" He asked.
"She's my sister." I told my uncle. He nodded.
"And...?" He gestured for more information. I glanced at Serena, before looking up at the people in front of me.
"Well, my mother gave her up for adoption when she was three. She began to show signs that she was going to be a hybrid. And my mother didn't want that in our family." I told them, my memories beginning to flood back. Lydia and Malia nodded, but Peter just looked down-right confused.
"A hy-what?" He asked.
"A hybrid." Serena interrupted, finally speaking up. "A combination of every supernatural creature. There are only a few of us in the world, and we are the deadliest thing out there."
Peter held his hands together as he nodded, attempting to take in all this information.
"The Hale's didn't want me, because they thought I would turn out to be evil." She finished, looking down. "Most hybrids do."
"Okay, so you're like a were-kanima-banshee-kitsune?" My uncle asked the girl.
"There are way more things that I am than that but yeah, basically." She answered.
He nodded. "Great! Now you have an evil hybrid sibling." Peter exclaims, falling down onto the couch beside me.
"I'm not evil!" She shouted, wiping her tears. I couldn't help but punch my uncle in the arm.

Time passed as Serena explained everything to me. She told me about her "middle" name being "Elah", which is a clue that she is, in fact a Hale. Because Elah, is Hale backwards.
She explained the reason she has the markings on her neck, and how she can't leave until she helps the people she's been sent to help.
"But I'm not in any trouble." I told her. We all stood around the loft, throwing around ideas and clues as we try to piece the whole story together.
"That's what you think." She told me. "Lydia's been having visions about the Phantom Killer, and I drew a picture of him without ever seeing him. I think I'm sent here to stop him." As she finished her sentence, Scott's phone rang.
"Sorry." He muttered, taking his phone from his pocket and answering. "Hello?"
I used my heightened hearing to listen in to the conversation.
"Scott, it's Alex! The Phantom Killer...it's Alex!" Someone said from the other side of the line.
"Woah, Stiles, slow down. What's going on?" Scott spoke into the phone.
"Long story! Your moms okay though." Stiles said randomly.
"Why wouldn't she be?! Stiles! What's going on?!" He said a bit louder.
Stiles sighed before finally explaining. "People were murdered at the hospital, your mom spilled some liquid on his face and it wiped his makeup off. She saw him. It's Alex."


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