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Serena's POV

I couldn't even see what was happening to my friends with Alex constantly on me. I had no idea how to stop him!
A punch in the face would do nothing but give him a bloody nose and a red mark on his cheek.

"Deaton!" I yelled before Alex knocked my off my feet and pounced on top of me. For a ghost, he was pretty heavy, and he crush my ribcage.
"What do I do?!" I shouted, turning my head to see Deaton fighting his own battles. I had no idea the doctor could fight, and some how he managed to stay on his feet and give a good beating.
Alex's fist pounded into my face, and I groaned, spitting some blood out onto the grassy ground beside me.
"Do I need to remind you that you are a hybrid!" He shouted. I realized that he was right. It was getting quite repetitive being told that I am strong and powerful, and it was about time that I get use to the glory of being a hybrid.
I can turn into whatever I want for Christ's sake!
As Alex raised his fist to punch me again, I shut my eyes and used my power to become invisible.
Alex, who was still sitting on top of me, looked down in confusion.
I tossed him off of me, before standing up again and becoming visible. The blonde was on his feet once he saw me, and instantly began running towards me. I became invisible again, before dodging him and letting him run into the tree that was behind me.
He groaned in pain, before slowly getting up.
I stood in front of him, completely visible.
"Is that all you got? A coupe magic tricks?!" He teased.
I grinned. "You wanna see magic?" I asked rhetorically.
I began to shift my body into a different form. Not my usual werewolf form that I was so use to, but into something that I didn't even know existed until I became it.
I turned into a half-lizard-half-human looking creature.
And for some reason, I instantly knew the name.
A kanima.
I had claws that were different than my werewolf ones. They were dripping with poison that can paralyze you.
On the sides of my face and neck were the occasional scales.
My eyes glowed green and my teeth transformed into sharper, deadlier weapons.
Alex looked terrified, but of course he didn't give up.
He wanted me dead, and wouldn't stop until he got what he wanted.
I ran up to the blonde, grabbing his neck and lifting him into the air above me. I then slammed his body into the ground, and it landed with a loud thud.
I looked up at my friends to see them doing well.
And then I noticed Scott and Allison. He was not fighting her, but she was fighting him. He was talking to her, trying to convince her to snap out of whatever trance she was in.
Before I can turn back to my own enemy, I felt something large and heavy hit the side of my head. I fell to the ground, my vision blurry and my head pounding.
My squinted eyes looked up at Alex, who had been holding a brick in his bloody hand. He tossed the brick aside, before pulling out a dagger from his trench coat.
He had me how he needed me.
Weak and vulnerable.
My body began to shapeshift back into its human form as I tried to see clearly.
"Stop!" Alex yelled from above me. Suddenly, his group stopped fighting and everyone became still.
I looked around at my group of friends, who looked confused and scared.
"This is it!" He exclaimed, raising the large dagger in the air. "I will now become the most powerful and unstoppable being on earth." He said, smirking as he took the dagger in both hands.
I looked through the crowd of people to find Jordan. He shook his head, but I nodded mine. There was nothing that they can do, and they knew it.

"This dagger, is not just any dagger." He explained. "It's been forged by iron, the only substance that can harm or kill a hybrid."I looked back up at Alex, as he slowly raised the dagger over his head. "Bye bye, Serena." He whispered down to me. I shut my eyes slowly, waiting for the dagger to plummet into my heart and end me.

Suddenly, my eyes snapped open at the sound of gun shots. I looked up at the killer who knelt above me, and saw that he had been shot in the head multiple times.
Of course, being shot in the head can't kill someone who's already dead.
The killer stood up on both feet, and began to walked towards the person who had shot him.
"You think that can kill me?!" He asked. I turned my head to see a man with a grey beard, holding a shotgun. "You can't kill me!"
Lydia quietly made her way towards me, kneeling down beside me.
"L-Lydia? What're you doing! Go back to the others!" I told her.
"Serena, shut up and trust me." She demanded, and I kept quiet. "Scream." She whispered. I looked at her with confusion.
"What?" I asked.
"When I give you your cue, I want you to scream like a banshee." She told me. She then grabbed me by the arm, and forced me into my feet.
I didn't know how she wanted me to scream, I could barely focus my vision.
"One..." she whispered to me.
We both looked at Alex who was distracted by the man who I still couldn't identify.
"Two..." she whispered again. Her hand gripped mine tightly.
"You can do this..." she told me, before saying the last number.
"Three!" She shouted.
My entire group covered their ears as Lydia and I screamed at the top of our lungs.
Our screams morphed into one, big, ear shredding sound that travelled like waves towards Alex.
The killer fell to his knees, covering his ears in agony.
Lydia and I continued to scream for as long as we can.
Alex pulled his hands away from his ears to find them full of blood. His ears were bleeding, along with his nose and eyes.
He looked up at Lydia and I, with eyes of defeat, before he vanished into thin air.
The only thing left in his spot was the dagger he attempting to kill me with.
Lydia and I stopped screaming once he vanished, and we watched as the portal began to close.
Lydia looked at me with happiness, smiling brightly.
I smiled back, before feeling dizzy.
I then collapsed onto the ground again, unconscious.

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