Prolouge/Chapter 1

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I saw him, blue-haired boy, on Markiplier. Didn't really have my eye on him. He was acting ridiculous, but he made me laugh. Probably harder than ever.
I was losing interest on my supposed crush. He didn't want me, and even though it hurt me bad, I didn't want him either. You could tell he judges the "girl of his life" by physical like most idiot boys. If she's not skinny, fuck her off. If she's skinny but has pimples, fuck her off. If she be fat and has pimples, totally fuck her off. Yea, my ex crush, I guess, be like that. I don't mind.
When Ethan finally caught me, I was fangirling way too much. I wanted to know him ever so badly! But, he be in L.A, and I more than 200 miles away from L.A. That's the bad thing about crushing on any type of celeb. They're either way too far, or you either think that its impossible for you to ever become your celeb's gf/bf or something. It like taunts me when I think about it.

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