Chapter 12

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Ethan texts back, saying okay. He texts me that he arrived at the hotel. I text back, "okay, thanks for coming, really. He texts back "no problem." He arives at my hotel door. Knocking, I quicky opening the door. He brought some white wine, and Stella Rose No.5. How does he know I like Stella?!
"You okay. I came as fast as I could, had to leave-" said Ethan.
"I'm sorry, its just that, I'm having thia fucken nightmares, and I just needed some company like you, " I say, my hands shaking.
"Its okay. I'm here. I'm here.", Ethan hugs me, he hugs me tight. Like he never wanted to let go. I let go. 
"I brought some wine, I thought you would want some since you drank all that wine at the restaurant so fast.", said Ethan.
"I was gonna call room service to bring like 5 bottles, I guess I'll call for 3 more instead.", I say.
"So you really like drinking... "
"Yep, I drink too much to forget. Inspiration comes from my dad. Well he's not my dad, he's famous, I call him and his wife my parents. You know Brendon and Sarah Urie?", I say to Ethan getting the bottle opener.
"Oh, yea yea, Panic! At The Disco. Yep. They're goals.", Ethan says looking for cups.
"Cups are in the refrigerator, I put them in to chill. Drinks taste good in frozen or chilled cups."
"Oh," Ethan grabs the cups, "never knew that."
"Bad thing you can't use the idea."
"Why not? Not like I'm allergic to drinking.... "
"Its not like I live with him."
"Right. I'm sorry, I can't think straight, I'm always like that. But right now its more severe.", I rub my head. I take the cups from Ethan, serving white wine first for both of us. I drink the whole thing in a take. Ethan looks at me, doing the same.
"At it boy!", I say, "Keep it up and you'll feel the joy of drinking.", I say.
"Honestly, I think I already do," Ethan says smiling.
We serve ourselves more. We cheer. We drink. Same routine throughout 30 minutes. I call room service for 10 bottles of the best alcohol they have. They come. 5 bottles in a big bucket of ice. 2 buckets in total. My lord! 8 for me, 2 for Ethan. After an hour or so, I finish 4 bottles, 4 to go. Ethan finishes one. 1 to go. We're way over fucked up. We're laughing at the most simple things. Our second term on drinking starts, we fall onto the bed, I opening one bottle, Ethan another. I pour some of mine into Ethan's mouth, he doing the same. 20 minutes pass by and we drank all the bottles now. We're still awake. Ethan tries to get up. Not being succesfull for like 10 times. Once he gets up, he closes the curtains and takes off his clothes. I just look at the ceiling, dreaming, just dreaming.

I think you know what's going on.

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