Chapter 19

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I was alive. Fortunately. I didn't want to die to be honest, even though I've thought of it many times before.
I was in a hospital of course, Ethan laying down on a couch, sleeping. Sleeping? I tried to look for a clock. It was right in front of me, holding tight on that wall. 8 am. Wait. Today is Friday. Shit. I have to go to USC, I have to be there to get the tour of the campus! But I'm here. Fucking hell! I tried getting up. My head felt like it was getting crushed by gravity, I swear. Ethan woke a little. His blue eyes just showing a little bit. He sees me awake and wakes up instantly, walking fastly up to me.
"You okay? Are your feeling good?", Ethan said.
"Uh, sorta, not good enough to go back to USC to take the tour that I have to go to.", I replied.
"Well, you can take a tour of that campus later. Good thing you're alive right now."
"I know, I know. Did the doctor tell you when I was able to leave?"
"He did say tomorrow. Thing is, what happened yesterday?"
"N-nothing important. Just-"
"What do you mean nothing?! You clearly were sweating in a fever on my doorstep. Something must've happened. Don't hide no secrets please."
"Fine. You aren't gonna believe me, but I was kidnapped by some Mafia guy that has buisness to do with Marisol. Marisol is the biggest Mafia boss in the history of Mafia. She supposedly owes him money, and my other friends do also. I don't know why, but he attacked me. Probably cause I may mean the world to them or something. Thing is, I parked at a gas station to text you where you lived so I can visit...... "
I explained Ethan every detail. He couldn't believe it; for me it felt like the event was a nightmare.

I woke up. I looked around. I was in my hotel room. Sun was shining through the two wide windows. I was not in a hospital. It was all a nightmare. Thank goodness it was all just a nightmare.

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