Chapter 8

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I arrived at the hotel. Just tired. The white wine is doing effect on me. I take the elevator to the floor my room is in. I arrive at the floor, grabbing walls, the world's spinning. Damn, I'm a weak son of a bitch. I arrive at my room, putting in the card, the door unlocking. I go in, closing the door. A jar of cookie and cinammon toast crunch came to the hotel room. Aw, nice. I take off my boots, put on my pjs, falling like twenty times. I walk to my bed, still grabbing walls, putting on The Ballad of Mona Lisa on medium volume. I get the jar of chocolate chip cookies and cinnamon crunch.
"I- forgot- the fucken crepe.", I say to myself. I put on my slippers, grabbing my keys and head down, my hand rubbing my hair on the side of my head, I yawning at the same time. I arrive to the main bottom floor, going outside, unlocking my truck when very close to it. I go to the passenger seat, grab the crepe. Then suddenly I feel like someone is looking at me. I turn around, nothing. I lock my truck, two times just in case. I feel the look again, I turn around, nothing. I get into the hotel. Going to my room. I arrive to my room, unlocking it. A hand goes over me with a cloth, I try to do defend myself, whoever is doing this to me is a strong bastard, that's all I remember.

Don't worry guys, I have not ended. Just wait a minute or so. Who do you think is kidnapping me? Well, if that's how you can say it.

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