Chapter 18

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"One large sweetened lemonade tea, please?", I ask the woman on the speaker.
"Okay, will that be all today?", said the woman.
"Umm, let me get a second large sweetened lemonade tea. Mind if you write down the name Ethan on it please?"
"No problem. Is that all?"
"Yes. Oh too, cupholder please, sorry."
"Okay, so two large sweetened lemonade teas right?"
"7 dollars and 56 cents will be the amount due."
"Thank you."
I drive to the window where you pay and get your food.
This man opens it. Looks so familiar. He's muscular and black hair.
"7 dollars and 56 cents please?"
The voice. It was the man trying to kill Marisol. I recongnize him now. The drinks. Leave them or take? They might be poisoned-
"Um, ma'm? You alright?" asks the man.
"Yes, yes. Um, here is 8.", I say.
I hand him a 5 dollar bill with 3 dollar bills.
"Your change is 44 cents. And here are your two lemonades."
He hands the the cupholder with the two large lemonades. I then recieve the change.
"Thank you", I say, smirking.
"Welcome, have a nice day.", the man replies.
I set the cupholder on the front passenger seat. I drive off. To where? I don't. Know. Oh yea. Ah! I forgot to ask him where he lives. Okay let me stop here at a gas station and text him. I get into a nearby gas station and park my truck. I get on my phone and text Ethan. I get my lemonade, completely forgetting what happened 2 minutes ago. I drink. That shit is good. Oh my lord. I feel hyped already.
"Where you live. I wanna visit.", I text.
The screen goes blurry.
I sip out of my Starbucks cup. The lemonade is so fucken good, I swear!
"O cool street", is what I read.
My head starts hurting. What the hell.
I turn and look at my window. I see blurry. I seen someone walking up. Wearing black? The guy! Its the guy! Doors are already locked. Don't panic. Just don't. The body is going in front of my truck. What? Its goes to the front passenger door now. It rams in a bat. I scream. I unlock my door fast. Getting out. Trying to run. I fall. He gets me from behind. I kick him. He's too strong. The world is blurry. He covers my mouh with a cloth. It has this liquid. Its putting me to sleep. Last images I see is the guy taking me to my truck. Putting me in the back. My keys are still plugged in. I feel myself getting some sort of fever. I get cold. The guy gets my phone. Seeing the text message of Ethan.
"What a coincidence. I was just thinking of where on earth your love lives. I hope he can be able to re-"
And that's all I got to see and hear.
I wake up, shivering violently. The world is still blurry. I'm laying on concrete. The sky has the colors of sunset.
"I know where Marisol and your "family is," the guy says. "No point in having you alive if you know how I look. You're burning in fever my gal. Will you live? Ask your doctor Ethan Nestor."
He has something in his hand, throwing it. I hear glass break. Window? My truck? No!
"The truck I won't take. My goons always have my back.", the guy said. " I wish you luck in hell my darling. His voice is far. I hear a van door silde open and shut.
I hear a door open. My body turns to see the blurry image. The only thing that stands out is blue. Ethan. My love.
"Crystal?", says Ethan.
"H-hel-p.", I say.
I'm too weak.
He walks up to me. Kneeling.
"What are you-, you're burning in fever!"
The world gets clear. My mouth dry. I feel cold. I feel like I'm in Antartica.
I'm fading away.
"H- *gulp* hel-p!", I whisper loudly.

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