Chapter 20

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I didn't want to go out anywhere. I just was too terrified. My phone rang. It was an unknown number from New York, New York. I didn't answer. In 2 minutes, the same number texted me, "Its Marisol. Answer."
Oh, it was Marisol. I called Marisol.
"Hello?", answered a female deep voice.

"Hey. Its Crystal.", I said.

"Hi! So, Rona told me about about your dream, and I'm pretty sure I know who you're talking about."

"The dude speaks a weird language. Nothing Italian-"

"Its British. Yep. That guy has tricks up his sleeves. He's from Italy, but he tries to fool us that he's just a normal guy from Britain having nothing to do with the Mafia whatsoever. He's very fluent in the language too."

"You speak Britain?"

"All the languages known to man. I'm not fluent in all of them just yet. But I'm planning to. I want to know everything anyone talks about, either its me or my goons, or my family. Hard work pays off kid."

"Well that is true. Its incredible how you know every language known. That way you're not ever fooled. People may think you don't know some language, but you do. You'll understand everything anyone ever says. So awesome."

"Yea, yea. Thing is, the guy is in L.A. You're his target. I need you to check out of that hotel even though it might be all nice and shit, but I need you to leave that place. He has people spying on you 24/7. Once you check out, look nowhere to your sides or anything. Just be calm. I know you can act that way."

"Mkay. But, it is plain day-"

"You've seen movies I see. Yea, checkout after this call, ask for just some hours until its dark out in California. Call me once you've packed and is in the lobby. Call doesn't hang up if you turn off your phone. Once you get in your truck, go to Ronalin. Ronalin is in a mansion I bought a few months back. They will follow you. I have a flight to L.A. tomorrow, I'll have the money, don't worry."

"I just noted down everything you just said. Just in case I forget which happens 80% of the time."

"Alright then. Look nowhere. Show no nervousness. Act."

"You know I can do that well. Okay, see ya tomorrow. Also, send me the address to your mansion."

"Note the address down. You never know what can happen to these phones nowadays."

"You sound like you were born in the era of where TV was black, white, and brown."

"(Marisol giggles) Okay. The address is ................."

"Mkay. Thanks. Tomorrow aye?"

"Alright, alright. Tomorrow."



We hang up on each other. I didn't want really want to leave. But I had to. For my safety. I looked out the two wide windows. It was a beautiful, nice day. Too nice to not enjoy. I got up from my bed, going to the drawers, getting my clothes out, putting all my things on the bed. I got my two suit cases and put the already-folded clothes in. I got my travel backpack, putting in my electronics, and some snacks from the mini-fridge in the front pockets. I was all packed. I put all my bags aside, the bed kind of messed up. Eh. Don't care. 9 am, and I haven't ate. When is my breakfast going to come? I hear a knock on the door. I go open it. The nice guy comes in, setting the breakfast on the table. He looks at my luggage.
"Leaving one day early, I see.", he said.
I stutter somewhat, "N-no. Well yea. Why should I lie to you. I'm going to my cousin's house and spending my last day there before entering college so I can just say bye to the fam, and get their blessing."
"Oh cool. I better leave now, enjoy breakfast."
"Yea. Thank you."
The guy walks out the door with the breakfast cart. I shut the door and head back to the table with my breakfast. I eat up in 10 minutes, fixing everything in the room. I leave the plates, silverware, towels, sheets, etc. outside the door on the ground just for no staff to come in. I hear a knock of the cleaning lady.
"Clean bedding and towels outside."
"Thanks!", I yell back.
I open the door, getting everything and putting it where its supposed to be. Time goes by, and I just watch TV, call my family, not getting out of the room. Its 5pm now, and the sun's setting. Gosh dangit. I forgot to checkout. I go down to the lobby to checkout, telling them the fake reason why I'm leaving a day early. The lady checks me out and I say my thank yous, going back to my room. I decide to just call more of my family. Just talking about how everything has been so far, not mentioning Ethan at all. 6pm came and it was slighty day. I decid to hang up on my cousin in Mexico, and get ready. I get my stuff, go out the door, and 2 minutes later, a man comes with the luggage carts. He helps me all the way to my truck, I acting like nothing is wrong, cause really, nothing is wrong. I give the guy a tip and he leaves. I get into my truck, starting it, going on my phone to get the GPS started up. As soon as I do so, Ethan calls me. I don't answer. I don't have time now, when I get to the mansion I will. He calls again. I don't answer. He texts me, "Are you okay?". I respond nothing. "Crystal, ARE YOU OKAY?", he texts. By then I'm already on the freeway to San Diego. I know he's worried, and I should probably pull over and answer all his texts and missed calls. Until I get home I will. I'm sorry Ethan. Didn't mean to get you worried. Sorry.

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