Chapter 15

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We arrive at USC. I and Ethan getting out of the truck. I have my sunglasses on, and Ethan his glasses. He keeps commenting to me on how good I sing Death Of A Bachelor. Everyone fucken knows, no one, whatsoever, can top Brendon. He's the god of vocal notes for god sakes!
Ethan and I walk onto the campus. We then hear a honk which grabs our attention. Its Tyler. Tyler gets out of his car.
"Hey Tyler!", Ethan yelling, running towards Tyler.
"Hi!", said Tyler waving. Ethan jumps on Tyler. Tyler laughing. I giggling. They walk up to me.
"So, this is your dream?", Tyler asked raising his arms up.
"Yep. Here's where all my hard work is going to pay off.", I say.
"Where's the dorm room?"
"Uh, up there in that building, there's a good view of the campus from up there."
"Cool. So, where's everything?"
"Already in the dorm room. This guy helped me put the pieces of furniture and stuff in the room. His name, was uh, Branden, yea, Branden."
"He a student here?", Ethan asked.
"Yea, why?", I replied.
"No, just curious.", he says.
"Someone's jealous!", Tyler elbows Ethan.
"Stop it! No. I was just asking.", said Ethan.
"Okay, no time to waste! Its like 10 am right now, and we gotta piece everything together by, err, 8pm.", I say.
"So we literally just have like 10 hours.", Tyler says.
"Exactly, so, let's go!", I say, jogging to the elevator. Tyler and Ethan doing the same. We get into the elevator, and we stay silent. We arrive to our floor, and dorm. I unlock the dorm room with my phone.
Ethan and Tyler step in first.
"Woah, this dorm is huge!", Tyler said.
"And you have this to yourself?" Ethan asked.
"USC confirmed it was all mine yesterday.", I said.
Ethan goes up to me, going behind my back and hugging me.
Tyler just wanders and looks around.
"I'm so proud of you.", Ethan whispers at my ear.
I turn around a give him a quick mouth-to-mouth kiss. I turn around. His eyes widen.

Tyler doesn't notice, thank goodness

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Tyler doesn't notice, thank goodness.
"So, when are you going to take off all this contruction paper of the windows?", Tyler asked.
"I have the curtains, tools, and everything to put them up.", I reply.
Ethan keeps on hugging me, putting his chin on my head.
"Okay, so, let's start?", Tyler said.
"Yep, let's get started.", I reply.
I get out of Ethan's arms. Getting a heavy box of tools out. Us 3 get to work.
We take off the contruction paper and tape around that is around the edges. The sunlight comes in, us squinting our eyes like if we haven't seen the light for hours.
We get everything to put up the curtains. Finishing in 3 minutes or so, putting them up.
Then we move onto the bed that took us 45 minutes to piece up. Wasn't really hard to be honest. Then came the desk, which took us a good 1 hour and 30 minutes to piece up cause we were sometimes getting confused, but when it came to the end, we doubled checked to see if we pieced it up right, and we did! Now the couch, taking us 10 minutes to piece up. Ethan kept laying down on the bed while me and Tyler were doing work. We then went on to putting up some posters of bands, movies, and college spirit. I forgot to mention I did get 2 nightstands, matching the color of my bed, one each side with a lamp. Too, when you enter the room, on your right there will be a coat hanger. The piece of wood that is the foundation of the hangers (of course) says Panic! At The Disco. Ah, such a big fan! And under the coat hanger, there is this station where, there are these bamboo made drawers, well let me show ye a picture.

 Ah, such a big fan! And under the coat hanger, there is this station where, there are these bamboo made drawers, well let me show ye a picture

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There. Nice and comfortable for when I walk in and talk off my shoes.
Since me, Tyler, and Ethan are almost done setting up the room, I ordered some pizza (yum!) for us not to be starving for the whole gosh dang day.
When the pizza arrived with a 2 liter soda bottle, I didn't have ant cups so we just got water falls.
After our break, I remembered that I had a big frame of this picture.

It was about as big as a movie poster, so I put it on the left side of the wall which is at the entrance of the dorm room

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It was about as big as a movie poster, so I put it on the left side of the wall which is at the entrance of the dorm room. I moved it a little to the edge of the wall, just in case if I ever slam the door open, I won't damage it at all. Me, Tyler, and Ethan spent about an hour doing final touches. Tyler left afterwards saying he had to some work.
Me and Ethan were alone. Jumping onto the bed, laying down, looking at the indoor sky, ever so gray.
Ethan put his arm under my head. I snuggled close to him. Like if we were bf and gf. We hugged. Looking at eachother. We then kissed on the lips. They started to turn into french kisses. Then it started to be aggresive kisses. I took off his clothes, while he took mine off, still kissing though.
We scooted up to where the pillows were, our bodies under the quilt, our heads still out. Our lips still having a good time. It then suddenly got hot. We got out of the quilt, onto the bed, Ethan quickly turning on the AC. As he came back, we didn't wait a second to relieve our stress. Sound proof walls meant nobody could hear what we were doing. We did it for 15 minutes until we couldn't handle no more. That being our last round. We were sweating too much. We were panting heavily. It was well worth the pain though. We already did love twice. What would come after that? A third time? Or proposal. Thing is, we had to leave the dorm room in 1 hour. He showered, I showered. I made the bed.
We put our clothes on. And left the room, I locking it. We talked somewhat in the elevator. Saying our farewells when getting into our cars. As soon as I entered my truck and closed the door, I put on LA Devotee. The beat in the song just somehow gets me hype! I back up carefully, and drive off to the hotel. As soon as I arrive at the hotel, I take another good shower, my clothes taken to the laundry, I changing into new pjs. I eat the crepe from the first date me and Ethan had. After that, my clothes came washed and dried, I lay down on my bed, looking at that indoor sky. Closing my eyes slowly into something that is called sleep.
"Don't forget to tell your friends, especially Marisol! Because there will be precious consequences!", the man said.

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